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Who's going to tackle Sunday with me?

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Kids and self to church  [done]

Sunday school  [done]

Kids to dance show  [done]

Quick shopping stop  [maybe tomorrow]

Bank?  [maybe tomorrow]

Clean kitchen, bathrooms, and some clutter  [done]


Pay some bills

Prepare kids' bags and clothes for Monday

Kids to bed


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Good morning! Up with the birds again, clearly my mind is telling me I need more quiet in my day.


To do:



Some gardening

Pick up dd1

Move bb hoop (dumpster arrives tomorrow)

Work on summer projects

Get meals and snacks set up for the week (summer schedule craziness)

School administration


Have a great day!

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--read my Bible

--read more of Alexandra Fuller's amazing memoir Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight. It's about her childhood in Rhodesia, and area of the world I know nothing about. 

---get the crockpot dinner together so it can simmer today. Cooking Indian Sweet Potato and Lentil Soup and homemade bread.

--go to the gym. Older is going with me as he is trying to get through Couch to 5K.

--walk the dogs for 30 minutes

-trim the rosebushes.

--maybe go to the beach at about 530 with a beer. ;)

-go by mall, get shorts for little and yankee candles for me

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Let's see

- dishes- done

- laundry- load in dryer

- tidy house- round 2 done

- pick dd1 up from inlaws- done

- start this week's school work

- dinner- done

- baths- dd1 done

- bedtime routine- dd1 don

- get stuff ready for a busy 2 weeks

- make a master summer/fall to do list and to buy list

- fix dd1's Daisy vest (waste of time I know since she's going to be a brownie this fall but it's bugging the crap out of me)

- anything else I get done- restocked inside freezer with meat, got some groceries and other things needed for the week, took a nap with dd2

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