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Nothing New/Mindful Spending Week 22


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The "rules" of this challenge are self-defined. Anyone can join in at any time. The aim of the challenge (for me) is to combat consumerism, wastefulness, mindless buying, and overspending. It is meant to nurture creative problem solving, ecology, frugality, intentionalism, and resourcefulness. To support these goals, I seek to buy nothing new. I aim to use existing resources, borrow, hand-craft, and buy existing second-hand materials to the greatest extent possible. However, I recognize that life is unpredictable, and family life increases this factor exponentially, so I will buy new in the following cases, when a non-buying option does not present:


Food, health, and necessary household goods excluded.

Requirements for school, work, or health and well-being which cannot be obtained used.

Gifts, when a creative non-commercial option will not suffice.

Anything animal or gardening related that cannot be obtained used.

Fuel/energy sources.


Posts will appear each Saturday, referring to the week that is ending. Post your successes, creative solutions, relapses and weak moments. It doesn't matter if you have a weak moment! Just keep swimming!

Well today I might say, "Challenge? What challenge? Did I say I was leading a challenge not to spend unnecessarily?" I bought stuff. I think it's because buying things for DD has got me on a roll. ;) Anyway, I bought a few books off Amazon. Then I also bought a book at B&N today. There was also a tote bag that perfectly goes with the nautical theme DD is planning for her dorm, so I bought the tote.


Ordered bedding for DD's dorm. Ordered a dress and shoes for graduation this past week. The justification factor there is: those shoes should serve her for a long time and the dress works for other Occasions.


I bought candles and a candle lampshade at Yankee; they were half off, albeit of questionable necessity.


I have a spending hangover.

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Due to burnout on my part, we had a  low spend week. I came in way under budget with groceries, haven't had to put gas in my car since May 1, and reserved a book at the library rather than ordering it on Amazon.  Dh and I did go see a movie and used points from our movie card for admission, and we took candy with us.  Our theater doesn't care if people bring food in, so $1.98 for candy for two. 


I'm burned out because I've been doing renovations on this old house and I needed a week off...so no money spent on paint or rollers or trim or anything.  My wallet is burned out because dd is studying in Japan and the school here way underestimated how much we should expect her expenses to be. And ds leaves for school in under three weeks and I still have at least half of a very detailed list of things he's required to have. (He'll be at a military college and they specify things like 24 black plastic hangers, 4 white flat sheets- no fitted sheets allowed, black dress shoes with a matching belt, 3 white towels...) 


Tomorrow - friends have invited us to see a minor league baseball game with them- they get free tickets through the husband's work, and of course it's not about the baseball, it's about hanging out with friends. And after that we're going to a pizza place and I have a full punch card so a free pizza. And we drink water, so it'll be just the cost of a tip unless we decide to order salad. 


Quill, I laughed at 'spending hangover' but I know what you mean- some weeks it just seems that money bleeds from our accounts. So it was nice that this week was light! 


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I splurged a bit this week. I bought makeup--e.l.f. brand. I sorted through my bathroom this week and realized all of my eye shadows were Clinique freebies and none of the shades flattered me. I pitched eight eyeshadow compacts and bought one palette from Target, a new BB cream and a new eyebrow pencil. I should've done that years ago--the new shadows really made a difference. I was surprised.


I also bought a rubber mallet, for convenience. I did it after I cleaned out the garage. I have three van loads of donations to drop off, but in sorting through tools and figuring out what I really needed...I need a mallet for our upcoming move to take apart 8 shelving units.


Dd wanted a new t-shirt when I was picking out makeup. I normally would have purchased several, so I am grateful to have been able to pause and think about what was really needed. (Dd has only 4-5 t-shirts).


Other than that, quiet week. I have a ton of yearly professional fees coming up so I am saving for those.

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Well let's see... Went out to eat 3 times (wed. Night grocery shopping, Thursday dd1's spring program and tonight I didn't want to stop doing school work to cook :D), paid for dd1's Girl Scout registration for next year ($25) and for GS day camp ($80) other wise the usual.

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I shelled out some cash this week for scout camp ($45 for 3 people x 3 days), scout T-shirts ($17 for 3), and a gift for the soccer coach ($20 toward the joint gift card).


Donated some more $$$ to that same family member ... someday when I want to feel depressed, I'm going to add it all up.


Other than that, I can't think of anything else I have spent other than for food.


Tomorrow I plan to buy one or more gift cards for my kids' teacher(s).


I also need to sign up for our upcoming TKD belt test.  I think it's $60 per person.  I should probably order my kids some bigger head gear too - they keep complaining theirs is too tight.


Pretty soon, I need to take my kids to buy their first fishing poles (and maybe I should buy myself one too?).  It has been a LONG time since I fished, but they are going to do it on the scout campout, so we'd better be ready.  I should probably buy some cheap plastic dishes also.  And my kids will be needing an official swimsuit for swim team, once I get the information from the coach.

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I did really well this week. I stayed home mostly and didn't shop online. The few things I did buy were necessities. I hibernate during the summer since there is less going on and it's hot so if I can stay off of Amazon, I'll be doing really well this summer.

I feel like zi hibernate during the winter. I just don't want to leave home when it is cold.

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