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Swelling in Pregnancy?


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Hi all

I am 17 weeks pregnant with my 3rd.  I'm 40.  I've never been pregnant in the summer before, but I'm a little anxious about the swelling I'm having.  My feet and ankles swell, as do my fingers so I can't wear my rings.  I had preeclampsia with my 1st baby, and I recall not being able to wear rings with my second, but that was very late in the pregnancy.  As I sit here doing lesson planning on the computer, I feel them swelling!  And it's not even hot here really.  (I live in the south and it's about 75 degrees out which is chilly for May!)  I'm checking my BP with a monitor at home and it's fine.  I have another MD appt in a week and I'll certainly tell her about it.  I'm just nervous about it being a predictor of preeclampsia to come...only much earlier than the last time.  Any thoughts? 

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I had a foot swell the last pregnancy that I could barely get a shoe on. I could have had my foot above my head 24/7 and it wouldn't have helped. I have been pregnant (in second trimester) 3 times and never had preeclampsia. Sometimes it is the position of the baby.


Eta photo of swelling. http://ourunplannedlife.com/2013/08/12/this-and-that-from-the-last-3-weeks/

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I'm dealing with this now too at 29 weeks and it's a pain! It's not very hot here either. My hands have lost feeling in the fingers entirely because I was typing up lesson plans for next year. It returns by morning then numbs again by evening.


I like the banana idea, that sounds easy :) i've got no other advice, my last 2 were born in November so this is new to me!

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