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Root canal (boo!)


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It has a bad rep but it's not that bad. Get the nitrous and you should be fine. Ask for extra numbing if you're nervous. You'll be numb in a few minutes. If you're in pain now it will be a relief. Once the main pulp is out, there aren't even any roots or nerve endings left in the tooth. In other words, no pain.


If it's still aching the next day check in with the office. Mine was still hurting (unusual) and they had me come back because there was more inflammation under the tooth after the procedure, which raised everything so I was biting too hard on it.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


You'll do great. I also have a serious dental phobia and I got through it. Definitely get the nitrous (not covered by insurance, btw) and you won't even care what's going on.

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The pain in the pocket book in my opinion is far worse than the procedure! I have had several.  My one piece of advice is to ask for something to help keep your mouth propped open especially if they are working on a way back molar. I have found that my jaw often aches for days afterwards from me trying to keep it open for so long and has nothing to do with the tooth that was worked on. Other then that I have found the procedure to be no worse than a filling. It just takes longer. Also, don't be afraid to take some ibuprofen before the numbness wears off.  For me this seems to help. I am sure everything will go well for you.

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The pain in the pocket book in my opinion is far worse than the procedure! I have had several.  My one piece of advice is to ask for something to help keep your mouth propped open especially if they are working on a way back molar. I have found that my jaw often aches for days afterwards from me trying to keep it open for so long and has nothing to do with the tooth that was worked on. Other then that I have found the procedure to be no worse than a filling. It just takes longer. Also, don't be afraid to take some ibuprofen before the numbness wears off.  For me this seems to help. I am sure everything will go well for you.


Yep, I agree about starting the ibuprofen before the numbness wears off. It reduces inflammation and takes awhile to kick in.


The thing that keeps your mouth open is called a bite block. Definitely helps to ask for one, esp if you just want to relax with the nitrous.

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It's not too bad - I had an emergency root canal done a few years back. My biggest recommendations are to bring an ipod and headphones. Listen to an audiobook or podcast because it gets boring believe it or not. Also, don't drink too much before you go because it's long and you don't want to get up to pee midway through. :-) (I did and it wasn't fun!)

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I had one done a few months ago. I am such a baby about it I found a dentist who actually put me out! They gave me some liquid to drink, lowered the lights, put a soft blanket on me and waited for me to enter la la land. Next thing I knew it was done! Best root canal I ever had haha

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