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You know, I thought you were still lurking around here!

Look at what I found:




Oh my gosh. Is that Rex Smith?


Oh, I loved him. I loved him a lot. But not as much as Les from the Bay City Rollers. Of course when he left the Bay City Rollers he got weird and I did not love him anymore.



And I'm not lurking. I'm waiting for my pajamas to be done in the dryer.

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Oh my gosh. Is that Rex Smith?


Oh, I loved him. I loved him a lot. But not as much as Les from the Bay City Rollers. Of course when he left the Bay City Rollers he got weird and I did not love him anymore.



And I'm not lurking. I'm waiting for my pajamas to be done in the dryer.


Yes, it's Rex. I always remember that you loved him almost as much as I did. Hmph...I loved Les too. But not as much as Rex. Actually I was married to him for awhile. Yeah. Umm, right before I married Andy Gibb.

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Yes, it's Rex. I always remember that you loved him almost as much as I did. Hmph...I loved Les too. But not as much as Rex. Actually I was married to him for awhile. Yeah. Umm, right before I married Andy Gibb.


I was married to Les and I was married to Shaun Cassidy. Or was it Shawn Cassidy? Sean Cassidy? No, I am pretty sure is was Shaun Cassidy.


I had a larger than life poster of him. You could see the pores on his nose. That was in the old days, before photoshop.

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I was married to Les and I was married to Shaun Cassidy. Or was it Shawn Cassidy? Sean Cassidy? No, I am pretty sure is was Shaun Cassidy.


I had a larger than life poster of him. You could see the pores on his nose. That was in the old days, before photoshop.


:lol::lol:I had a professional advertising poster for The Pirates of Penzance. I found it at the train station in the town where I went to college. I think it had been removed and thrown away or something. Anyway, the thing was maybe five feet tall, and I carried it all the way back to my dorm. For two years of college I had that thing in my room because I still enjoyed gazing at Rex.


I think it was Shaun Cassidy. Have you forgotten what was printed on your wedding invitations? :lol::lol:

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Dang. I just checked my email. I have an overdue book. I am not done reading it either. Dang.


That is a dang. Can you renew it online and then only pay maybe 50 cents?


I was annoyed today because I am not done with Wicked yet and dh had borrowed it on his card and he couldn't renew it anymore. So I took it back, planning to just check it out again with my own card. They wouldn't let me. They said that a book has to stay overnight at the library before it can be checked out again, so I'd have to go back.


Fortunately, my very astute 11yo went and found the hardcover copy on the shelf, so I checked that out. Woo hoo!!!

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That is a dang. Can you renew it online and then only pay maybe 50 cents?


I was annoyed today because I am not done with Wicked yet and dh had borrowed it on his card and he couldn't renew it anymore. So I took it back, planning to just check it out again with my own card. They wouldn't let me. They said that a book has to stay overnight at the library before it can be checked out again, so I'd have to go back.


Fortunately, my very astute 11yo went and found the hardcover copy on the shelf, so I checked that out. Woo hoo!!!


I would love to hear what you think of the book when you finish. The musical is very different from the book, though it borrows some of the themes.

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But notice the gap between the last post and this one? AND you used the word cockles. Cockles is a terrible word. I don't know why. But it is 12:59 am in Tennessee and I am up waiting for my pajamas to dry and my melatonin has kicked in and I simply detest the word cockles.








All of the good words have been forbidden. I don't even know how to say anything if I can't use those words. I'll be left with like um, 4 words that I can use...whatever. :lol::lol::lol:


Oh, and yes, I did notice the lapse in time. I can't believe I let that much time go by. I just think that I'm boring and have nothing to say. Now I'll have to think of something else. Bah humbug!

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All of the good words have been forbidden. I don't even know how to say anything if I can't use those words. I'll be left with like um, 4 words that I can use...whatever. :lol::lol::lol:


Oh, and yes, I did notice the lapse in time. I can't believe I let that much time go by. I just think that I'm boring and have nothing to say. Now I'll have to think of something else. Bah humbug!


yay. pajamas are dry. Goodnite!!

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I would love to hear what you think of the book when you finish. The musical is very different from the book, though it borrows some of the themes.


It is incredibly different. In fact if I hadn't already fallen in love with the soundtrack I probably wouldn't like the musical very much. It's like taking The Brother Karamazov and making it into a musical. Well not really, because this isn't nearly the quality of TBK. But you get the point. The musical is just too fun to go with this book. There are funny things in the book, but it is not a funny book. There is no way that "Dancin' Through Life" and "One Short Day in the Emerald City", etc. are connected to that book. The only scene that comes even close to something like that is the beginning of the Philosophy Club section, but that isn't fun and upbeat, it is disturbing and weird.


So anyway...that's what I think right now.

I have about 100 more pages to read. I only started to actually like the book about 100 pages ago. Before that I was reading it as an act of the will because I thought it was weird/crazy, over the top, too wordy. But ever since Elphaba arrived at the Vinkus it's gotten much better, much more interesting and purposeful.


More thoughts later.

What are yours? Can you share any without giving up spoilers?

The ending is very different, isn't it?

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It is incredibly different. In fact if I hadn't already fallen in love with the soundtrack I probably wouldn't like the musical very much. It's like taking The Brother Karamazov and making it into a musical. Well not really, because this isn't nearly the quality of TBK. But you get the point. The musical is just too fun to go with this book. There are funny things in the book, but it is not a funny book. There is no way that "Dancin' Through Life" and "One Short Day in the Emerald City", etc. are connected to that book. The only scene that comes even close to something like that is the beginning of the Philosophy Club section, but that isn't fun and upbeat, it is disturbing and weird.


So anyway...that's what I think right now.

I have about 100 more pages to read. I only started to actually like the book about 100 pages ago. Before that I was reading it as an act of the will because I thought it was weird/crazy, over the top, too wordy. But ever since Elphaba arrived at the Vinkus it's gotten much better, much more interesting and purposeful.


More thoughts later.

What are yours? Can you share any without giving up spoilers?

The ending is very different, isn't it?


It's been a while since I read the book, but I'm going to wait until you finish it to comment.


I agree the songs are NOTHING like the book -but they're great too in their own right.


I'll shut up for now - hurry up and read.

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It's been a while since I read the book, but I'm going to wait until you finish it to comment.


I agree the songs are NOTHING like the book -but they're great too in their own right.


I'll shut up for now - hurry up and read.

Ohhh, okay!!

I have to stop hanging out here and spend more time reading that book.

Well, for tonight I guess I'll go to bed. I'm getting tired now finally. :glare:

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Oops. Sorry Heather. Are we talking about different things?


I thought you were asking about the auction I posted about last night.

Amy is referring to LB's auction that is ongoing. Lots of great artists donated stuff to her Art for Food organization and all the proceeds from that are going to a local food bank.


No that was it!

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THANKS!!!!! Thanks for keeping it light and friendly. It lifted my spirits chatting with my friends like that. I watched The Bucket List and went to bed. Boys had soccer games this morning. Older ds was on fire on the field! He moved up into the next age group this season so a much larger field. I wasn't sure he would be able to handle it. But he totally impressed me. He even scored a beautiful goal. He played the whole game and hustled like mad. I took that boy to Sonic for a blast after that goal. It was so fun! He was so proud of himself too.


You all are awesome!

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I'm wearing a sweater today, and I love it. Fall is just a nice time of year around here.:grouphug:


Anyone know where I can purchase some nice magazine holders or boxes?


Oh I am jealous! I love fall temps. I had to get a shower after being out in the yard and all the bug spray. Blech! But dh took the chainsaw to the tree on the ground and we cleared all but the main trunk logs out of the yard and into the woods. Looks much better! Remind me tomorrow when I am sore all over that it was my idea to do that.


What kind of holders? There are all kinds of cute boxes and stuff like that at our Super Target. Some other places that have neat things would be World Market or Pier One or maybe Ikea?s

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