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Trying to plan K (CLE or Horizons)


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I'm trying to plan for dd5 next year. It is would be her K year and will be our first year homeschooling. She will join dd8 and ds7 for science, history, and art. I need Math and LA though. She knows her letters and letter sounds, is beginning to read CVC words, and can count to 100.

I was looking at CLE KII to begin with and then learn to read and some easy math workbooks. I also have been considering Horizons for Reading and Math. CLE looks more fun but Horizons more rigorous. The Horizon samples are small so it's hard to tell if more than just writing is involved. Any sugestions? I'm feeling confused.

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I haven't used Horizons, but CLE 100 is quite rigorous. It ramps up quickly.


CLE KII is such a nice course :). It sounds like some will be review for her, but it is such nice preparation for LTR. Math 100 and LTR are great follow ups, and you can even taken them at half speed for K.

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CLE grade 1 math moves very quickly.  I had a child with a July birthday, and I started him into it in September and he did fine.  The next kiddo had a December birthday and we started in January that year, and it didn't work out.  He stalled out around lesson 60-something so we did some review in Rod and Staff and then switched back this year and he just finished the first grade set.  For my youngest, I've decided to wait until September when she turns 6 before even starting.  She's been doing Rod and Staff grade 1 at half-speed and I've also been mixing in Math for a Living Education.  The latter is her favorite and is now free online.

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I've used both Horizons and CLE (with different children).  Horizons Grade 1 Math is more rigorous than CLE grade 1 Math, but both are very good solid programs.  I don't feel one of my children has a better math education over the other.  They are both good.  I would suggest starting with CLE K II and then moving into CLE 100 OR doing Horizons K for Math.  I think either would work well.  I'm a fan of both. 

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I can't say it on the CLE FB page, lol, but I wouldn't use KII if she knows her letters, sounds, is beginning to blend, and can count to 100 (does she understand one-to-one correspondence? Can she count THINGS? Does she understand the concept of addition?). It would be redundant. 

I would suggest you start with Learn to Read and Math 100. Math 100 *does* ramp up quickly, but there's nothing saying that you can't slow down when she hits a wall.

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I can't say it on the CLE FB page, lol, but I wouldn't use KII if she knows her letters, sounds, is beginning to blend, and can count to 100 (does she understand one-to-one correspondence? Can she count THINGS? Does she understand the concept of addition?). It would be redundant. 

I would suggest you start with Learn to Read and Math 100. Math 100 *does* ramp up quickly, but there's nothing saying that you can't slow down when she hits a wall.



I am afraid that KII would be too easy for her but it just looks so fun. She does understand one-to-one correspondence and has started doing her brothers simple addition while we do homework. She is also a child that I pushes every boundary there is concerning following directions so I am weighing starting with things she already knows (both programs do this) and work on the sitting, paying attention, and working aspects of learning. I keep going back and forth. 

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I tried Horizons K for my oldest daughter and didn't like it because it was a lot of writing (for that particular child) and I didn' t like how it went into teaching adding large numbers with the number line. With my youngest, I did Singapore K Earlybird, starting with B (A is mostly colors, shapes, number recognition), and then went into Horizons 1. It's more of what I think of a good s & S should be--addition of small numbers with the number line, etc. As for CLE, I'm using CLE Learning to Read with my Ker/1st grader. You could look at the Light Units and see where to start. I found the K program too easy also.

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