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Are SOTW mp3s divided by chapters? CDs?


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There are a couple of chapters of SOTW that I'd rather skip, particularly in the Ancients volume. Is the SOTW audiobook in mp3 format divided by chapters? I know that a lot of audiobooks aren't. It seems like it would be really hard to find where the minute mark is that I need to skip over.


What about the SOTW CDs? Is it divided by chapters so I can easily just skip Track 3, etc.?

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Yes CDs are divided by chapter. Its very easy to navigate as the insert tells you what chapters are on which cd.


Thanks, that's good to know! The mp3s are cheaper, so I'd prefer to get them instead, but if it turns out that it's difficult to navigate chapters, I'll spring for the CD set instead.


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I do not know but I can not imagine that they would create separate audio files for the CDs than for the MP3s.

Common sense should tell PHP to simply burn the MP3s (which should be organized by chapter, btw) to a CD and sell a hardcopy CD to anyone who wants it.


So I would be very surprised (and a bit disappointed) by SWB and her team at PHP if the audio on the MP3s is any different than the audio on the CDs. It doesn't make any sense from a technical standpoint to do two versions.

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The MP3s are divided by section of each chapter. They are clearly labeled, for example "Chapter 12: The Middle Kingdom of Egypt" and "Chapter 12: The Hyksos Invade Egypt".


I think it would be pretty easy to skip the sections you don't wish to cover.

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