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Spring cleaning

Night Elf

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Are you a Spring cleaner? I am a bit of a seasonal cleaner. About 4 times a year, I go through my house from top to bottom. It looks wonderful after it's done. Then I spend the rest of the season ignoring my cleaning duties. I'm trying to get up the energy for my Spring cleaning. The job just seems overwhelming and makes me exhausted just to think about it.

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I wish I could say that I spring clean. Mine is more of a "One room at a time" cleaning. I Try to keep up with regular cleaning duties all along, but also have a room that I am working in as time allows to totally clean that particular room. It's not perfect, but it's what gets done here.

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I try but almost always fizzle out.  Windows get washed twice a year – in fall when we take the screens out and in spring when they go back in.  Curtains get washed at the same time.  Then I tackle the children’s rooms.  I usually lose motivation after that. 




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I try but almost always fizzle out. 


I was thinking this exact same thing today. However, it also occurred to me that this is garden start-up time, so my excess energy ends up spent in that direction. I spent two hours in the yard today, planting beets and carrots, cleaning out a neglected raised bed so I can plant in it, and digging roots out of another bed. I have nothing left for spring cleaning. And since the garden feeds us while everything I clean seems to be gross again in 3 weeks, one seems like a much better use of my energy than the other!

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Are you a Spring cleaner? I am a bit of a seasonal cleaner. About 4 times a year, I go through my house from top to bottom. It looks wonderful after it's done. Then I spend the rest of the season ignoring my cleaning duties. I'm trying to get up the energy for my Spring cleaning. The job just seems overwhelming and makes me exhausted just to think about it.


Meh. Wait for fall!

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I wish I could say that I spring clean. Mine is more of a "One room at a time" cleaning. I Try to keep up with regular cleaning duties all along, but also have a room that I am working in as time allows to totally clean that particular room. It's not perfect, but it's what gets done here.


This is pretty much what I do -- keep up with the basic daily/weekly stuff.  Then I have our house divided into eight zones, and I try to give one zone some extra attention every week.  It's not perfect -- sometimes I get too busy or too lazy to do anything but the basics.  But I pick back up with the rotation when I can.

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