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9/4 exerciser thread

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HI Ladies!


I have co-op today, have to leave in 40 minutes (and I still need to shower!). That's my reason for going "short". I wanted to go 4, but didn't have time. So instead I tried going harder than usual. My hope was for a 10:10 pace. I got that! :D


2.27 miles. 28:10 min. 10:09 pace. 322 calories.


Now I need to go stand under a ceiling fan so that the shower will do some good. See you later!

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I did the treadmill for the cardio portion of my body for life today. Yeah! It was nice because it helped stretch me out since I'm sore from Mondays & Wednesdays lifting workouts.


Gotta go shower now, I'm sweaty! :leaving:





Good job Angela! I know what you mean by needing to stretch the body after weights. Those things'll kill ya.

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I didn't really want to post until I was done (so after you read this and answer just pretend you didn't see me! LOL), but I've googled all I can and I still don't know what's going on.


Last Saturday I began Couch Potato to 5K. It was a spur of the moment decision, and maybe my biggest mistake was wearing a pair of tennis shoes I have around the house that are a size and a half to two sizes too big, but I do my Walk Away the Pounds DVDs in them and I wore them to the gym until I had to give up my membership this spring. The shoes are around 6 years old.


Anyway, Saturday was horrible and I thought I was going to die. Monday I ran again (Week 1, Day 2) and it went MUCH better, but about the last running cycle through my left heel began to hurt when it hit the pavement. It wasn't too bad so I finished the cycle and did my 5 minutes of brisk walking to end it and stretched out and went inside. By Monday night, I was limping.


Monday night and Tuesday it hurt on the bottom of my heel. Since then it has been moving up and it's now on the back of my foot right around the back side of my ankle. I went and bought running shoes (Asics), but I haven't done anymore running as I could barely walk.


This morning I put on the running shoes and walked up and down my street as fast as I could. I'm still limping a bit. I've been stretching too, and the pain is definitely less but it's still hard to walk a stride. And I tried to run to see what would happen but the pain was bad when my foot hit the ground.


Any idea what this injury might be? Do I need to not try to do anything until it gets better, or is this something I just need to run through and it will go away eventually?


I am wanting to participate in a local 5K fundraiser for autism on October 4th, and I know that's really soon, but I'm prepared to walk as much as I need to. However, I would like to get back into the Couch Potato to 5K as soon as I can. I really expected my knees to be giving me the problem, so this foot thing is annoyingly unexpected.


Any advice? (And remember, after this, pretend I'm not here... I wanted this to be a surprise! LOL)

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I started Walk Away the Pounds a week a go--so am in the 2nd week.


I've been able to do the 2 miles each day. I've been doing it outside in the evening. Takes me an hour pushing the baby in the stroller. I wonder how long it will take next week. . .


I haven't noticed a weight loss yet. My kids follow me on their scooters.

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I did 30 minutes of walking so far today. That's short for me, but time is pushing me. I'll try to get in another 30 later on.


Niffercoo...new shoes should help your feet. First, the original hurt will have to heal and that may take a bit. Until it is better, I'd wear shoes around the house with great arch support. No flip-flops, or bare feet. Support and nuture that injury! I have to get new shoes often. I know when a pair is dead because my feet, legs, hips, and entire body hurts.


One other thing I've learned in my fifty something years, if I push too hard too fast, I hurt myself and have to stop altogether. Pacing myself in my training is important.

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Good job guys!!! Today I rest.


Generally I will reach a day when I can't remember the last time I rested. Today is that day so I am resting. The fact that it is going to be 90 out and is already humid has nothing to do with it:glare:

Oh and dh asked me lst night if I wanted to walk in the morning, he also got the glare....needless to say he did not try to wake me this morning.

I slept in until 6:30 (school starts at 6:45 in our house) and it was lovely to sleep in, I really needed it.

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Niffercoo...new shoes should help your feet. First, the original hurt will have to heal and that may take a bit. Until it is better, I'd wear shoes around the house with great arch support. No flip-flops, or bare feet. Support and nuture that injury! I have to get new shoes often. I know when a pair is dead because my feet, legs, hips, and entire body hurts.


One other thing I've learned in my fifty something years, if I push too hard too fast, I hurt myself and have to stop altogether. Pacing myself in my training is important.


Thanks, Happy! I was in my Crocs sandals when I read this so I put my new shoes on! :) I appreciate the advice!

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Generally I will reach a day when I can't remember the last time I rested. Today is that day so I am resting. The fact that it is going to be 90 out and is already humid has nothing to do with it:glare:

Oh and dh asked me lst night if I wanted to walk in the morning, he also got the glare....needless to say he did not try to wake me this morning.

I slept in until 6:30 (school starts at 6:45 in our house) and it was lovely to sleep in, I really needed it.


Rest is good too!

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I started Walk Away the Pounds a week a go--so am in the 2nd week.


I've been able to do the 2 miles each day. I've been doing it outside in the evening. Takes me an hour pushing the baby in the stroller. I wonder how long it will take next week. . .


I haven't noticed a weight loss yet. My kids follow me on their scooters.


Great job! Let us know how you're improvement goes!

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Yay! It's not raining out anymore. I was excited to get outside and run, especially when I felt how cool it was. And somehow I still had a bad run. No excuses, it was just bad. But I did it, even if it was shorter than I intended, and that's all that matters.


You did it. That's right. That's really all that matters!

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