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Recommendations for Diagramming Sentences


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What do you recommend for learning how to diagram sentences for an 8th grader?  She has not done any diagramming in the past. Ultimately, I would like something she can do once a week if possible.  I would like to skip a year of "full" grammar and work on lots of writing and learning to diagram.


Something with a short lesson and several examples to work through would be great.  I am not looking to spend a lot.  I have looked at Grammar Revolution but I am not sure I want to spend that much. 

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We purchased Grammar Revolution from HSBC; I'm not sure if they still have the discount, but it was well worth the cost. DD did really well with the program. I thought the videos were a bit lower quality than I would have liked, but DD who loves YouTube videos and smart, young women mentors really enjoyed it.

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We purchases Grammar Revolution from HSBC; I'm not sure if they still have the discount, but it was well worth the cost. DD did really well with the program. I thought the videos were a bit lower quality than I would have liked, but DD who loves YouTube videos and smart, young women mentors really enjoyed it.

Not to derail, but ... can you clarify if a purchase of GR through HSBC gives lifetime access or one year access to the program? I thought I'd seen something about this, but can't for the life of me find it now.

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Not to derail, but ... can you clarify if a purchase of GR through HSBC gives lifetime access or one year access to the program? I thought I'd seen something about this, but can't for the life of me find it now.


I honestly can't remember! I can try to check later.

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Okay, admittedly, we use Drawing Sentences and Rex Barks too, but DD really liked Grammar Revolution the best! Grammar nerds here!

How old is your dd and why did she like GR the best? Do you feel that GR taught her well enough that she could pull any sentence from her reading and properly diagram it?


Drawing Sentences looked interesting. I wish I could see an example on Amazon.

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How old is your dd and why did she like GR the best? Do you feel that GR taught her well enough that she could pull any sentence from her reading and properly diagram it?


Drawing Sentences looked interesting. I wish I could see an example on Amazon.


She's 10, but she works above grade level. She loves watching YouTube videos and learning from smart, hip women so Elizabeth's videos really appealed to her. She thought the explanations were clear and easy to understand. She liked that there weren't a ton of sentences to work through in each lesson, but they built upon each other in subsequent lessons.


If I recall, Grammar Revolution covered things like verbals, phrases, and clauses, but Drawing Sentences covers more complex and advanced structures. So, after we finished Grammar Revolution, I started to give her sentences from Drawing Sentences to keep up with the practice. I haven't started to introduce the topics beyond Grammar Revolution yet, but I plan to next year. I also bought the diagramming reference guide from Grammar Revolution too. It's a great tool if DD forgets how to do something. She had an advanced workbook too, but I already had Drawing Sentences so I just use that.


We had done 4-level analysis with MCT before, but diagramming really solidified DD's understanding of the parts of speech, parts of the sentence, and how those parts interact with each other. She really liked it a lot.

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Not to derail, but ... can you clarify if a purchase of GR through HSBC gives lifetime access or one year access to the program? I thought I'd seen something about this, but can't for the life of me find it now.


I've talked the author, Elizabeth, before (she lives not too far from me).  It doesn't expire.  She's great about answering e-mails if you want to ask her yourself (which I'd rather you do than just take my word for it  ;) ).

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I've talked the author, Elizabeth, before (she lives not too far from me).  It doesn't expire.  She's great about answering e-mails if you want to ask her yourself (which I'd rather you do than just take my word for it  ;) ).


Thank you so much for letting me know about this! It actually occurred to me after posting here that I could contact Elizabeth directly instead of wondering aloud here.  :blushing: So I sent an email this afternoon, but do appreciate you confirming it as well.


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Hmm. Now that I'm looking at Grammar Revolution....


Cross posting on a couple of threads:


I'm trying to catch up with my 6th grader (using CLE) and it's sort of slow going with the workbooks. How long do you think it would take an adult to power through the course?

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Hmm. Now that I'm looking at Grammar Revolution....


Cross posting on a couple of threads:


I'm trying to catch up with my 6th grader (using CLE) and it's sort of slow going with the workbooks. How long do you think it would take an adult to power through the course?


I already have this resource from Grammar Revolution and powered through it very quickly (hmmm ... maybe 2 weeks working a bit in the evenings?). From what I can tell, it is the somewhat condensed version of the Get Smart program.

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There are about 37-40 lessons if I recall. I just looked at my notes, and we started in November and finished in February so it took DD about 4 months to complete it. We did a lesson at least twice a week but often more. I think an adult could go through it pretty quickly. The videos aren't very long. I hadn't diagrammed in years, but I picked it up easily just sitting with her while reading over and reviewing the assignments with her. I didn't usually watch the videos unless DD had a question.



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I already have this resource from Grammar Revolution and powered through it very quickly (hmmm ... maybe 2 weeks working a bit in the evenings?). From what I can tell, it is the somewhat condensed version of the Get Smart program.

Did you have a prior experience diagramming yourself? Do you this book would be enough on its own?

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Get Smart  by GR has 37 full lessons plus bonus diagramming exercises (lesson 38).  The lessons take you all the way through diagramming gerunds, infinitives, participles and all kinds of other stuff I don't know about yet.  (Still working through the lessons).  I'm not sure I learned all this stuff in high school.  But if I did learn it I don't remember it now.  ;)

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