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Taking care of your skin in your 40's

Janie Grace

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I'm almost 40 and my skin is suddenly looking not-so-great. I feel like I need to learn "grown-up skincare"! Right now, I use Olay with sunscreen during the day, an Olay night cream, and that's it. I use either water (if I didn't wear makeup) or a makeup removal wipe to clean. Sometimes I use an Olay cleanser in the shower. I'm sporadic and ignorant and suddenly, it shows! Puffiness under my eyes, uneven skin, etc... where do I start learning how to take care of my skin? I realize that what I'm doing is better than nothing but I feel like I need a better plan to keep my skin healthy. Suggestions? I'm willing to spend more than I do right now, but not so much that I need to take on a part-time job. ;) IDEAS???

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I HIGHLY recommend Paula's Choice www.paulaschoice.com.  She is the 'cosmetics cop' who reviews many product lines- assessing for ph, effectiveness, etc. If not her products, then look up some winners that she recommends from other lines.  She talks extensively about the basics of skin care- what various elements are needed when, for what etc.  It helped me SO much! Instead of just randomly picking up things at the store or trying new products that usually made things worse or wondering what else I should be doing.... 

I've used her products for the past 6 years and my skin has never looked better.   This after horrible acne during my teens & 20's, and then whammo- sudden wrinkles and dark undereye circles.  I still get occasional chin pimples/cystic acne about 2x a year, but overall I don't have age spot, increasing wrinkles etc- and for the first time in my life I'm actually complimented on having beautiful skin, and that I don't look my age. 

She has full product lines (which yes, are 5 steps and $$) but honestly, its worth it. I'm super thrifty with many many things, but not with my skin care anymore.  I used to just wash my face and use zit cream and a cheap moisturizer- and so it felt like a ridiculous amount of steps when I started using her stuff.  But now that I"ve seen what a difference it can make and I understand that the products are doing what she claims they should do, it helps.  I started out with a 5 step system and have cut some corners (i use a generic things when possible. 

What I use:
Step 1: CLEANSER: Cleanser OR Kirkland makeup remover wipes

Step 2:  TONER: Paulas Choice Toner

Step 3:  EXFOLIATE: Paulas Choice 2% BHA lotion at night; 1% during the day

I do these 3 every morning & night-

As needed: -

-Paulas Choice Moisturizer (I have combination skin but live in a dry climate- very good for around eyes)

-Paulas Choice Antioxidant serum (eyes and entire face

-Vit C Serum (From Amazon.com)
-Benzoyl Peroxide as needed for any breakouts 

-Generic skin lightening cream to lighten any scars

My makeup routine includes a primer that has sunscreen as well as a mineral foundation that has sunscreen. :) 

Anyway- that's way more than you asked, but I thought I'd share.  Her products and information have really made a difference for me. I loathe multi level marketing and drugstore products, so  I finally feel happy with my routine and my skin and am always ready to recommend her products & research to anyone who's looking for help!

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I am 48 and my skin consists of washing my face with honey and using olay complete to moisturize.

I don't usually wear makeup which I think plays a large factor in why my skin still looks pretty great. Which is not to say o don't think you shouldn't wear makeup, just that you may need more of a skin care routine to make sure you are removing all makeup residue.

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I use a gentle cleanser, Cetaphil, morning and night. I've recently added a retinol cream at night. In the morning, I also apply a gentle moisturizer, CeraVe. It has helped my 40's, yet still acne prone (ugh!), skin. :)

Oh, and I also recommend looking at Paula's Choice for her articles on skin care. They helped me a lot in choosing the right things I think.

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For my skin care, I actually pay close to attention to my diet.  Lots of water, healthy fats (avocado, walnuts, olive oil, coconut oil, butter (no hormones/antibiotics), etc.   I have pretty great skin, I'm 43.  I'm just now seeing some lines under my eyes but overall I"m VERY happy at this point.  My skin tone actually becomes more...radiant...pinky?... when I am having a glass of green juice daily.  My friends say its a noticeable difference.  Usually a couple stalks of kale or handful of spinach, and either an apple or banana in it, ginger, maybe berries, maybe not.  Teh green is the most important.  


A 24 yr old friend of the family recently told me when she thinks of her 40's, she thinks of my skin and wanted to know what I've done to keep it. lol  I grew up in FLorida and loved tanning beds, so I didn't feel I had much hope, but diet has been everything in this regard.


After that, I moisturize with coconut oil, if I need something heavier I use avocado oil.  I use a baking soda/water paste to exfoliate once a week. Sometimes I use Yes to Blueberries eye creams or moisturizers if I"m putting on makeup afterwards b/c the pure oils are too heavy under makeup.


The Bare Minerals Eye Rever Upper makes a noticeable difference in lines under my eyes when used consistently.  I am also testing out the new skin care line at EyesLipsFace.com and liking it a ton.  My mom bought it for me ...otherwise, because things are going so well now, I might have not pulled that trigger on my own.


I use the skindeep.org site to make sure what I  put on my skin is low to non-toxic.


Good skincare doesn't need to be expensive!

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I've never used Paula's choice so can't comment there, but my research has led me to Retina A - I pay $30 through insurance for the generic tube which lasts me 6 months. Sunscreen is a necessity.


I have always had good skin, but I can say I have been eating a huge green smoothie with chia and flax seeds an average of 5 times a week for the last 6 months and I can really tell the difference. I also use coconut oil or avocado oil to moisturize.


I'm 44 and really trying to hang on to the good skin. I think the extra 30 pounds I am carrying are helping with the wrinkles so far - and the double chin covers the crepe neck skin that can start settling in at this age  :lol:

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