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Can I do anything about my fake morning sickness??


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Do you wake up like that immediately or does it hit after you've been moving around a bit? 


I find that my blood sugars wonk out on me during certain parts of my cycle more then others.  If I get up and have something to eat immediately, I can stop it before it gets going.  If I wait too long, I'm nauseous and running for the bathroom (or the kitchen depending if I think I can shove a handful of nuts down before vomiting). 

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I've never dealt with morning sickness (my boys came to us through adoption) so disregard this if it isn't helpful. :)


During my chemo months, I was advised to take a Prilosec and drink ginger ale before I got out of bed to quell the fierce queasiness and nausea. It certainly helped.


Hope you find relief!

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Ugh, I started getting this during the PMS period.  Totally freaked me out the first couple of months because of the timing. 


I try to eat something when I first get up, that helps.


When I was TTC, I discovered this was true for me, too. I'd totally lose my appetite the day before my period was due and be convinced that it was morning sickness and this was the month. Nope.


Progesterone, which is responsible for morning sickness, rises after ovulation regardless of whether you're pregnant or not, which is why there's a a lot of overlap between PMS symptoms and early pregnancy symptoms. But I suppose that doesn't help the OP much.

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I have this all the time due to blood sugar issues. I find that eating some protein soon after getting up helps a great deal. It stabilizes my blood sugar and stops it from bottoming out. And as I get older it does get worse and better around my cycle


I am most successful with nuts, preferably almonds for myself.  I think it is just the right amount of carb/protein intake that my body needs.  After that, I can wait a few and eat a regular breakfast.

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I don't have it right in the morning, but I get ovulation nausea, headache, and sometimes other bathroom 'issues'. Two ibuprofen seem to cure it, which seems counterintuitive to stomach issues, but definitely helps.


I agree that ibuprofen is worth a try, OP. You might be waking up with an in-progress migraine. Those are also triggered by hormones sometimes.

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