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Movie The Drop Box -- adoption/abandonment triggers


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Many of you may have heard about the movie, The Drop Box which is about a Korean couple who were finding abandoned babies and decided to construct a drop box as a safe place for families to leave babies who they could not care for.  I have been wrestling with whether it's a good idea to go see it or not.  My five youngest children were abandoned as babies.  Many of our homeschool friends are going, but I'm just not sure if it will be too difficult for my children to see it or if it would be healing for them.  Anyone else wrestling with this?  Any opinions?

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I haven't heard of it before but I don't think I would take my own adopted children until they were older teens and able to process all that it might involve. Many adopted kids are emotionally younger than their chronological age and may not be mature enough to handle all of the emotions this might stir up. Just my opinion.

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