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How much is your personal trainer?

Annie G

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Due to an issue I had with our gym, they gave me some personal trainer sessions to smooth over our relationship. (It worked!  I'm back to being happy with the gym)   The free sessions are over and I enjoyed them. So I'm thinking about paying for regular sessions with this trainer and wondered how much you guys pay per session or however your agreement works. 


This guy wants to meet once a week for about 40 minutes, and then I'll have 'homework' (gym work?) to do two other days a week. Reasonable, since it usually takes me three gym sessions to be able to comfortably do what he's shown me. 

His rates go down if I commit to a longer period of time working with him. For three months it's $39 a session and for six months it's $34 a session. 


Once spring comes and I can cycle outside, I won't be tied to the gym so I know I don't want a six month commitment but I can do three.  So...if dh and I both commit to three months of this, do I ask for the six month price?  In other words, are these rates negotiable? And what do you guys pay and what do you get for your money?

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The owner of the gym I go to charges $40-$45 for a 45-minute private training session.  In that type of situation, a privately owned gym, I think they can be a bit flexible with plans, but I wouldn't think they'd say (2) three-month commitments for two people equals one six month commitment, price-wise.  Never hurts to ask, though! 

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I wouldn't think so either except after we joined we mentioned that our son would benefit from a membership but he's only going to be here 5 months. They offered him a prorated price that was the same as our monthly cost worked out to be (we negotiated a reduced rate for our membership by paying up front in cash) , and then actually only charged for four months.   So that makes me think pricing is flexible. 

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It never hurts to ask :)


I'm paying a bit less than $30 per session, but I signed a contract for twice a week for six months. I wanted to be fit and strong before our Alaska trip (hiking in Denali!) in August, so that six month time period worked for me.


I will probably resume with once a week in October or so, after the dust settles from the start of the academic year.

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