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Thrush: Anyone have great remedies or wisdom?

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I/we had a BAD case of thrush while I was BFing my youngest dd...actually we had 2 bouts with it...


Gentian Violet was MESSY but it really helped the first time. The second time dd's got bad enough that she needed oral medication (anti fungals) and as soon as she started the meds she was MUCH better and we stopped passing it back and forth.


My Dr had me take a round of the oral meds too (especially since it spread from my bre@sts to more 'private areas')--to get it out of my system--as you found this stuff is EASY to pass around...you can clear it from your bre@sts but if the baby still has it in their mouth you can easily be reinfected--and so on...


It took Gentian Violet and 2 rounds of meds to get dd all cleared up...I used the Gentian violet an additional week just to make sure this beast was gone!


Grapefruit seed extract was attempted ONCE--I just couldn't handle it.

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I'd go with meds from the doc (even with gentian violet there are possible health risks). At the same time, cut out (or down) sugar and refined carbs (don't feed the yeast beast). Start taking probiotics. You can even get powdered or chewable probiotics for the little one (be sure to purchase from a cold section, probiotics sold off the room temp shelf aren't as good).


Hope that helps! Good luck!

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My dd and I have both had it from asthma meds we take (inhaled meds), and we have never taken the meds for it--listerine, gargled 4 times a day (poured into a cup), pour listerine on toothbrush after brushing each time, replace toothbrush after better. It has worked for us several times. For you, with the breastfeeding, I think I'd go with the meds.

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DD has this right now, oh joy! I decided to just go straight to the nystatin as soon as my breasts started to hurt. Which as you know is within a day or 2 of it starting. I called the ped, told him dd has thrush(been thorugh it with my 3rd child as a baby), he called in a Rx for me without even seeing her.

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I have suffered with thrush with all 10 of my babies. The only thing that works for me is gential violet. I paint myself lightly with the stuff and then nurse the baby. We are usually on the road to being better within a few days. I would keeep doing the GSE foor you and the older kids and definitely cut out any sugars and get on a good probiotic. Even the baby can take probiotics.

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