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AP Science question

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I'm looking a head and trying to get a very general plan for high school.  I know things will likely change, but for now my dd13 is hoping to be an exotic pet vet.  Taking this into account, she needs a science and math heavy transcript.  She studied zoology and botany last year and biology (w/ labs) this year.  Next year in 8th, she will be taking the Honors Physical Science course with Derek Owens.  Do you think this is enough preparedness to take AP Biology, AP Chemistry, and AP Physics in high school?  I want her to take the most challenging courses she can be successful in, but I don't want to push her past her capabilities.  She tested gifted while in public school, but I question the validity of that.  She is a very bright girl, but gifted may be over stating things a bit.



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the science courses a student can successfully take in high school are not limited by the science coursework in the preceeding grades - they are limited by the MATH coursework.

For success in AP chemistry or physics it is irrelevant whether the student had physical science in middle school; students who struggle in physics or chemistry usually do so because their math is not rock solid.

So, I would focus on a strong math preparation more than on the specific science courses.


Which AP phsyics are you planning for? There are different levels.

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Thank you.  I am not sure yet.  I figured we would have time to decide that.  She is in pre-A now, and I anticipate her doing Alg 1 next year then Geom in 9th, Alg2 in 10th, Pre-Calc in 11th, and Calc in 12th.  I think that eliminates Physics C because of the math, but the other 2 are still viable options.


On GaVS, they said that biology, algebra, and chemistry were pre-reqs for AP Biology so this led to the question.  I guess that is not standard, but just their take on it?

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On GaVS, they said that biology, algebra, and chemistry were pre-reqs for AP Biology so this led to the question.  I guess that is not standard, but just their take on it?


I know nothing about AP Bio specifically, but modern biology does contain a fair amount of chemistry, so requiring chemistry as a prerequisite makes sense. And chemistry, in turn, would definitely require algebra.


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Ok, so Algebra should be covered.  It's the chemistry that I'm worried about.  Would Honors Physical Science next year be enough to accommodate that pre-req?


I would not consider Physics Science a full high school level chemistry course - so I'd tend to say no.

But you might want to ask people who know more about the AP Bio.

If you are planning to have her take AP Chem anyway, I would have her do bio after chemistry (which makes a lot more sense anyway)

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Many students take a first chem course before attempting AP Chem.  Not all, but most.  Since she's taking Alg 1 next year in 8th, she could do a first chem course in 9th.  The Honours Physical Science would be a nice lead-in to high school science but not necessary (unless your state requires it).  As an alternative, she could take a first course in bio next year along with Alg 1.  I wouldn't worry about giving her a really rigourous bio course since she won't have chem under her belt yet and she'll be taking AP Bio later on anyway.  If she worked her way through a Reg level bio course using Miller & Levine in 8th and either a rigourous Reg or an Honours level chem in 9th, she'd be ready for either AP Chem in 10th and AP Bio in 11th or vice versa.  That would leave 12th grade open for AP Physics.


I don't know if it's recommended for students to be taking an AP Physics C course concurrently with calculus.  The AP Physics C courses offered by PA Homeschoolers say that a student can be enrolled concurrently in calc and AP Physics C but maybe someone else can speak to that more knowledgeably. :)



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If you are planning to have her take AP Chem anyway, I would have her do bio after chemistry (which makes a lot more sense anyway)



Ayup. I was surprised by the amount of Chem in APBio when dd#1 took it.


We've always done Phys Science in 8th, HS Chem in 9, and then on to the AP Sequence.


I do think by doing that they missed a strict academic overview of Biology like I remember it as a kid.... biomes, and body systems, and classification.... stuff like that. But they read a lot of science and watched a lot of Nova, and I don't think they are really 'missing' it. It worked out fine to do it the way we did.


My $.02.

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Hmmm... ok, I hadn't thought of her doing Chemistry in 9th.  I actually had Earth Science slotted there to keep her in the 4 year science rotation.  I guess that can be absorbed by geography and environmental science, though.  As for the biomes, classifications, etc..., we covered that in middle school so I don't think she'd miss out too much there.  I pretty much knew that Physics C was out, but I think she could do AP Physics 1 or 2 without too much problem.  We're ok with that as she's leaning toward natural sciences not technology or engineering.  Lots to think about ladies.  Thanks so much for your help!

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We are doing AP Chem right now and would be hard pressed to finish the material if he didn't already have some chemistry.


If you choose to do AP without a prior course, look at the syllabi at AP Central. Some have intro stuff reviewed in the summer. If you have a science kid, you might be able to do a quick Chem I class in the summer to get a head start.


We haven't done AP Biology, but did the Thinkwell course that corresponds with it. From that, I woud say that AP Chemistry (or at least Chem I) would be a more important prereq than high school biology (but ds did do a "high school" bio class in middle school.)

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I would skip the Earth Science in 9th. It is usually only offered for weak science students or not at all in high school. Most kids take it in middle school. I'd definitely put a Chemistry class in it's place. With a standard level Chemistry in 9th, she will be much better prepared for AP Biology in 10th, AP Chem in 11th and AP Physics (whichever one you decide on in 12th).


While AP Biology can be done with just Physical Science as prep - it certainly makes it tougher and AP Chemistry even more so. You're setting her up for a tough road unnecessarily by skipping Chem.

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