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Anyone here hike/backpack?

Kim in Appalachia

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My dh and I have been getting back into hiking.  We've just done a few day hikes, but it has been thinking about trying an overnight.  Of course that means we need a lot of equipment that we don't have and my dh is not super excited about the idea.  It was one thing when we were in our 20's but now we're in our mid 40's and he isn't as keen about sleeping on the ground, even with sleeping pads(I'm unsure of that too).  Even more, for me, is night time bathroom issues.  :tongue_smilie:


But I love being out on the trail.  And I would love to do something longer.  I would also love it if we could get the kids involved, maybe taking them one at a time.


I don't know.  We should do more camping first.  We just started doing more of that.  I think I'm just dreaming.  We wanted so much to do this in our 20's, but lack of money and time made it impossible.  Maybe this is just a mid-life crisis thing.  :laugh: I enjoyed our hikes so much, and now I've ordered Backpacker magazine. :lol:


I was just wondering if anyone here backpacks.  Am I just going crazy?  Having a hard time turning 45, and watching my baby (who we took hiking with us to the Grand Canyon) turn 21?  

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My boys are boyscouts and have done backpacking trips, up to 10 days.


The thing is, you really need GOOD equipment or it will be miserable.


The right fitted backpack is a must, and not cheap.


A backpacking weight tent......again, not cheap.


Backpacking stove, food, sleeping pad, sleeping bags......all very light weight......and not cheap.

So, if you aren't sure you want to do this long term, think first......we spent a LOT on our boys (and DH's) backpacking equipment.

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We hike almost every weekend. We backpacked a lot before kids, but then with kids, it was day hikes for many years until they were old enough to at least carry their own stuff. When they were preteens/young teens, we did a few backpacks with them. Now they don't want to come anymore, and DD is in college, so DH and I may go for our first post-kids backpack this summer, just the two of us.


We started out with our old, pre-kids, heavy equipment and have been gradually replacing gear by the new light weight options... it makes such a big difference! But then again, you don't need THAT much stuff, and maybe you can borrow some.


Now, camping for camping's sake - no way. We backpack because it's the only way to GET to some cool places - not because we enjoy sleeping in a tent. For us, carrying the heavy pack and sleeping on the ground are a means to an end- the price to pay to get to spots you can't reach in a day hike.

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We rented tents from REI before we bought anything major (so, so long ago). Also, sign up for the Campmor catalog, that is fun. Maybe ease into backpacking with some car-camping, or hikes from "base camp" type sites.


Also a cautionary tip, do not taste test dehydrated meals! They taste divine after a long day of hiking, but not so great in the comfort of your home.


I don't think you are crazy. Before kids I hiked ¾ if the way across AZ, and someday I plan to finish that trip!

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A nice compromise might be camping at campgrounds with several day hikes beginning at the campgrounds and nearby. You get the outdoor experience without having to haul your home and food with you, and your dh can bring an air mattress to use in the tent. :P 


Then if you love that, you can do some backpacking, even if you have to find someone else to go with. :)


Cat, who is planning a backpacking trip this summer with sis because my dh doesn't want to backpack either!

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