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My soft palette has gone soft (weak). Has anyone had experience with this?

Suzanne in ABQ

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I have several issues with my soft palette.  It has gotten weak or soft (not sure how to describe it), but it is making several everyday activities difficult.

~ I snore like never before.

~ I have trouble blowing my nose because I can't get a good seal between my tongue and soft palette.  When I blow my nose, I get a loud blow-by honking sound as air escapes through my mouth and vibrates the soft palette.

~ I sometimes have trouble swallowing, especially small amounts of liquid (or saliva).  Swallowing pills has become more difficult than before.

~ If I eat small food, like rice or ground beef, single grains will frequently go up into my pharynx as I swallow.  I then need to blow or snort to get it out of there (gross). I have aspirated the food in the process, setting off a coughing fit like nothing I have ever experienced.


All of this is annoying and embarrassing, but not life threatening.  Are there therapies for this?  Or would it require something more invasive?  


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I agree you need ENT. How long has it been going on? Do you have other issues muscles, nervous system or similar? (you don't have to answer that obviously!)

It could be something as simple as inflammation/swelling. You might mention a possible sleep study if that hasn't happened before.


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