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first answer wrong

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My 6yo, 1st grade dd, will answer questions wrong, even though she knows the answer.


For examples for today: 13-11=?, she will yell out "11", then "I mean 2"; what compound word means surface on a playground? (not exact wording) "streetcar" (one of the 3 choices given), then "I mean blacktop"


This happens in every subject. I went over with her today that she needs to take a second to think about the question before she answers. Didn't make a difference. I don't recally my other kids doing this to the extent that she does. Maybe they did and I don't remember.


Is this something I need to work on correcting, or will she outgrow this?

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Is this something I need to work on correcting, or will she outgrow this?

Depends.  Maybe she just needs some maturity to gain a bit of impulse control, give her brain time to develop and make better connections.  Or maybe she is gifted and her brain is moving too fast for her speech centers to keep up with.  Who knows?  


Or maybe there is something more at work, such as word retrieval issues or even ADHD or dyslexia.  If she continues this as she gets a tad bit older and she is showing some difficulties or oddities in other areas as well, you might consider getting an evaluation through a neuropsychologist.  


FWIW, my BIL frequently replaces the correct term with a similar term.  He can't help it.  He isn't doing it to be funny or because he is rushing to the answer and needs to slow down.  The words just get scrambled in his head.   Like sometimes when he says he is going to mow the lawn it comes out as vacuum the lawn.  Constantly correcting him doesn't actually fix the problem since it is neurologically based (although his wife does it anyway).  All it does is embarrass him and make him self-conscious (which actually exacerbates his word retrieval and word mix up issues).  His doctor suspects he is an undiagnosed stealth dyslexic.  He is a very quiet man.  He was not a very quiet child.  He admits that the constant corrections he got as a kid made him feel very reluctant to talk.

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My son used to do this with reading. He would get b and then begin yelling out anything: broom, basket weaving, black, burglary. It was ridiculous. He would read the next letter u, and go off again with bu words: bumblebee, Burger King, bump.


The word would be bug, but would take fifty years to read due to the blurting. Putting his finger on the word/number/page helped direct focus some. Honestly, he grew out of it as he got older. Didn't help my exasperation much at the time, though.


Now he does it with math, but not in the same way. It has slowed a bit. He will just get too excited with an idea on how to solve a problem. A fidget ball that he can squeeze has really helped control the nervous energy. There was a very serious discussion about the ball not being a toy. It was not called a distraction ball. It was to help focus, not eliminate all focus due to playing. I was worried all schooling would be lost to silliness, but it has helped immensely!

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My 10yo dd still likes to do this, usually for grammar. It is a game for her, a distraction. It means she is bored - either because she has mastered the material or because she needs a break. These days she asks my permission to give 2 answers wrong for each question, before giving the correct answer. And she wants me to make faces, fake an exasperated expression, anything that will entertain her.


I usually don't have the patience for this, because it means a simple 10-minute lesson takes 10 hours. But since it gives her a brief mental break, I allow it for the first couple of questions. Then I expect her to focus for the rest of the 10 minutes.

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The questions you are asking might be too easy for her. My supersmart DS often does this when he is bored...either to add extra challenge or to send a message to me that it's " baby stuff".


But then again my 5 yo also does it just to be a pain in the butt...


I'd add extra challenge and if thats not it then just ignore it and hope it goes away.

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