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Nothing New Challenge -Week Two


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Good job everyone!


I am actually having fun with this!


Got my new muffin pans today at Ross.

Dd needed a couple of workout type pants for the gym. I bought one pair at Ross for $6.99. Walmart actually had a pair of decent shorts she can wear on clearance for one dollar. Yes, one dollar. :)


I also bought dh a new pair of tennis shoes at Ross. This was a need and a planned purchase.


I did not even look at clothing or cosmetics for myself. I am working on using up the skin care, hair care and makeup I already have.

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It's weird (for me), but I'm feeling "spendy." I resisted today, but I needed to hit several stores and kept thinking of things I want to buy! The Toms Nepali boot I did not get for Christmas, and ice cream maker, the Alex and Ani Owl bracelet. *sigh* i did not buy anything unnecessary. I did spend an embarrassing amount of money at the Apple store, because I needed a new laptop battery.


I also got cat-called at my mailbox, which led me to consider buying another pair of these awesome Jag Pull-on jeans. :D Truth.

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Still "nothing new" this month. I went around the house room by room and made a list of "fixer-up" things we need/want, with specific measurements, and saved it to my phone. That way, if I see something on my list at a thrift store or yard sale, I can get it. Not on the list, no go.


I have a clothing needs list now too. I'm also bad about browsing Costco clothes and making impulse buys!


I did spent a lot of time mentally spending on IKEA's website yesterday. I'm going to be in so much trouble when our local one opens this fall.

I love this idea of a list of measurements for things needed! I'll have to try that.


Well, all week I have been craving a Sonic burger. I have resisted and stuck to my pantry eating challenge. At the end of December, I checked with our states unclaimed property department and found over $300 cash in my name, unclaimed!! Woot, woot!! So today, the first check came in the mail for $49. What did I do? Treated the family to Sonic! $21 of that $49 gone on one exceedingly unhealthy fast food meal. I regretted it instantly. The burger wasn't THAT good. Grrrr...


Mr. Q Science sale, prescription refills, garage door repair are things we spent money on this week. All of which are allowed.


Tomorrow night, we have a business dinner for dh's associates so that will be a decent chunk of change. But again, unavoidable. Its once a year and good for morale so we do it.


Oh, and I did buy a few books on Amazon this week. I don't regret the Science book, but the picture books for the kids, I kinda do regret. They have so many and we are moving to a bigger house at some point this year and I don't want to pack up a bunch of "stuff" that I accumulated after I knew we were moving. Those kinds of things can wait until after we move. Hopefully, I'll remember this uggh feeling next time Amazon sucks me in.

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You know, I almost always feel spendy during winter. I'm inside, bored, and typically spending a fair amount of time assessing the state of the household as I tidy/organize/purge post-Christmas. I recognized the trend a couple of years ago.  I started planning a lot more creative projects to fill the gap, and social activities with friends.  I have a rough yearly schedule to projects in my life....it's typically photo January. I work on cleaning up all of my computer files, printing what I love into an album for the year with some journaling, and I plan some Valentines for February. :)

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Well, I've had a day.


Went to a local coffee shop to buy DH his favorite coffee for his birthday. I wanted to pay cash and not order online, but the shop doesn't carry the exact roast and grind I'm looking for. I didn't want to walk out empty handed, and I should have just bought a small regular coffee but overspent on some fru-fru drink that was nasty. All I could taste was some yucky syrup, not coffee. DS1 didn't really like the little cookie I got him either.


Lesson learned, I stopped at Starbucks to get something familiar... left my gift card in the car and had to spend cash. Total coffee/cookie purchases, $13. One of those drinks went in the trash and the other should have been "free". And I still didn't get DH's coffee. Le sigh.


On the plus side, we stopped at a kids resale shop where I bought 3 t-shirts for DS1 (one of which he is wearing now after dumping a water bottle all over himself in the car), jackets for DS6 and DS1, and a pair of baseball cleats for DS6. $32 total, all second-hand!


DH took the big boys to spend Christmas money, but that really doesn't count for the challenge.

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You know, I almost always feel spendy during winter. I'm inside, bored, and typically spending a fair amount of time assessing the state of the household as I tidy/organize/purge post-Christmas. I recognized the trend a couple of years ago. I started planning a lot more creative projects to fill the gap, and social activities with friends. I have a rough yearly schedule to projects in my life....it's typically photo January. I work on cleaning up all of my computer files, printing what I love into an album for the year with some journaling, and I plan some Valentines for February. :)

I love this idea! And my photos are in desperate need of attention!

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I did mindful spending, too.  I have also been staying out of the stores.  Truthfully, when I think of buying clothes I get a visual of my laundry pile getting  taller.  When I think of buying anything other than food, I just see myself picking it up and moving it--over and over again.  It's a lot easier to say no to myself when I just imagine all the work it comes with the purchase. lol.


On the other hand, I have bought books from amazon on the kindle.  I need to watch that spending over the next few weeks.

Glad you're keeping up this thread.

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Good job on the clothes! I think it's really important to feel confident in what you wear.


Last year I decided to only wear what I feel good in :) I got rid of so many clothes :eek: but gained a few really nice pieces that I just love.

The Project 333 thing is good for this, too. I have done it in a modified way (i.e., I don't count accessories). It is a great thing to go through my closet, putting together new outfits I didn't notice before. So easy to fail to realize that this jacket looks great with that skirt when you are met with a whole bunch of things. It's a cool experiment and a great way to see what you have in a fresh way.

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The Project 333 thing is good for this, too. I have done it in a modified way (i.e., I don't count accessories). It is a great thing to go through my closet, putting together new outfits I didn't notice before. So easy to fail to realize that this jacket looks great with that skirt when you are met with a whole bunch of things. It's a cool experiment and a great way to see what you have in a fresh way.

Ha, that's how I started!

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Was reading Forbes (money management overload there! but I say smart girls read FORBES, lol) and saw this article.  In it the author was quoting someone I thought you all might like to read...he said, ‘In my generation we earned a quarter, spent a dime and saved 15 cents,’ †recalls Pavini. †‘Your generation earns a quarter, spends a quarter and then borrows another quarter at 25% interest.’ â€


sooo true!

Goals: DEBT FREE - I always fall for dumb credit offers (Costco rewards or 15% at Eddie Bauer, whatever) and end up back in debt even if small piddly stuff I hate paying them off.  My mind is not correct in this but I think I have free money when I'm charging something and I always end up buying more than if I were paying cash.


*I am for the first time in my life following a "sinking fund" - better known as saving for a rainy day in YNAB - budget in which I am really putting money aside for things like

insurance deductible


Auto repairs


*I also did a meal plan and stayed under budget for groceries so far :)


This is big, gals.  "Changing the family tree" in terms of financial practices over here~~

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