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Audiology or Speech Pathology


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Ok, I'm applying for (yet another) degree (sigh). I already have a Masters in Teaching English as a Second Language, but in the state we're moving too, it will take me 4 years to get a teaching certificate (don't ask).


So, fie on it. I'll just get a different degree that will likely pay me better in the long run.


I have all of the prerequisites for either the audiology or speech pathology program. I have no idea which I want to do anymore. I have friends in both fields and from what I've gathered, both appeal to me, but I'd love to have input from a wider audience.


Audiology will take longer and won't pay much more.


I'd love to spend more time in research than clinical practice.







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Personally, I'd choose slp. I find it more interesting, plus you say it takes more time for audiology with less pay. Your background as an ESL teacher could blend with speech to help reduce accents and speech challenges--and that might even be a way to work around the teaching certificate requirements.


I have no idea about how either field gets paid for research, although both fields has it.

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Would you want to work a more traditional schedule or would there be an appeal in having a reduced summer load?  SLP would lend itself better to the latter.


I always recommend spending time shadowing, if at all possible, and in different environments, particularly in healthcare.  An SLP's day in a skilled nursing facility looks very different from acute care in a hospital vs. early intervention vs. a school district.  It never hurts to have those contacts, do a considerable amount of observation, talk to the various professionals about their experience with graduates of your program, etc.  I would do the same with local audiologists if you can.  Ask them directly about your interest in research, what path they took and why, and so on.  It really will give you the best info IME, and I would network with as many professionals as you can to get their perspectives.

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Also, do you have any interest in a faculty position eventually?  I assume you'd need a PhD at some point to get a tenured faculty position, but it would lend itself well to research too.  I know in physical therapy, a tenured position requires a PhD (among PT faculty I've seen everything from PhDs in cardiopulmonary physiology to kinesiology to public health.  I had a physical therapy professor with a PhD in computer science as well).



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I would go with SLP as well. In fact, I have thought about going back to school but just can't quite get motivated.

There are no where near enough SLPs in certain areas as it is, and there seems to be a lot of options as to how a SLP works - private practice, public schools, rehab, with kids, with seniors etc. I even know of a company that provided online speech therapy to serve rural/underserved areas.

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I was an SLP and I agree with all PP so I won't repeat what they already said.


I still get calls begging me to "work 1 day a week, a few hours a week, just whenever I feel like it-please just help us out!!" My SLP friends are negotiating very nice salaries right now too.


I enjoyed my work & think it is a great field!

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Audiologist here. My thoughts. SLPs tend to be more creative, more language based. We audiologists tend to be more logical, math geared.


SLPs can find jobs anywhere, with more flexibility. Audiologists can certainly find jobs, there is a shortage, but you may need to move, there may not be a position in every small town, a position open in every medium size city.


At least in my experience, the earning potential of audiologists was much higher then SLPs, at least in our area.

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