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Is Algebra I really 80% the same as Pre-Algebra?

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Ds finished up pre-algebra before break. We spent some time reviewing some weak areas after break, and today we cracked open the algebra textbook. We have been using the Chalkdust generic sequence: Aufmann Pre-Algebra (4e) and Elementary Algebra by Larson & Hostetler for algebra. 80% of the material appears to be review. I know that middle school aged children lose their ever-lovin' minds a fair amount, but does everyone just review or do some just move on?


Did I grab the wrong algebra book?  Ds did well with Aufmann, and I want to stick with the video series, but I'm just curious as to other's experiences...

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No. I don't know your books, but prealgebra typically consists to a large amount of arithmetic with fractions, decimals, and integers, positive and negative. There may be some introduction to algebraic expressions with variables, and linear equations with one variable.


Algebra 1 covers linear equations with one variable, systems of linear equations, graphing of linear functions (point-slope form, two points), linear inequalities, quadratics, factoring quadratics, quadratic formula, complex numbers, functions, a brief intro to radicals, exponents, logarithms. These topics are not usually covered in prealgebra.


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I think it varies with the book.  Some of it is concepts carried over from some Pre A books, but more complex/deeper.  Some is completely new.  You could move on.  The difference with a lot of homeschoolers verse public schoolers is that they start with review because usually the kid hasn't looked at it all summer.  But if you go from one to the next immediately after it could feel unnecessary.  That is what we have encountered going from A1 to A2 so I've just been picking some problems to review, but we are moving forward more quickly.



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regentrude, thank you for the specific topics list. It appears he did cover more topics in pre-algebra than is typical. I'll give a walk-thru overview of the first several chapters combined with the chapter tests and see where we need to slow down and start digging into new/deeper material.

Even if a topic has been introduced in prealgebra, it is very likely that the coverage goes much deeper in algebra.

While chapter titles may look identical, the conceptual depth and the difficulty of the problems may differ considerably.

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I did a side by side comparison yesterday for six hours and I think I've got it sorted out. (The windchill is -20F here right now so I'm housebound anyway;  I sat in front of the fireplace and drank herbal tea while I worked.)


We're going to stick with our plan of fast forwarding through the first few chapters. There is a fair amount of review without additional new material there. We're going to do the chapter tests after discussion just to make sure he has it down cold. Chapter 4 is where graphing is reintroduced, and it starts to go deeper there. 

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Larson's Elementary Algebra is designed for developmental use at colleges. Students who place into algebra 1 at college typically have not had math in many years and/or did not learn what they took in high school well enough to retain it. I am not at all surprised by there being a lot of pre-algebra review at the beginning -- this is quite necessary for their intended audience. I think fast-forwarding through the early chapters and using chapter tests for placement is a fine idea. 

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