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Feedback on early HS history plans? When to move from SotW => HotW

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  DS is in 7th grade.   We've recently completed our 'tour' through the SOTW books.  We do a chapter a week, he does the exams provided and suggested writing from the outline for each chapter, etc.


  I'm trying to map out what that road looks like into at least the middle of High School.  Currently, I'm looking at History.


  If we wanted to do AP US History for his Sophomore year he has 2.5 years till then.  The question is, what to do between now and then to prepare for that??




- We could go back through SOTW 1-3, adding in supplemental material to round it out.


- We could move to HotAW and it's follow-on.  Those seem clearly targeted at HighSchool.  I haven't looked at them in depth, but I expect it's too much for a 7th grader.  Do the sequences line up?  Could we do SOTW bk 1 for the next year, then switch to HotW bk2?


something else entirely?










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I would not use SOTW for an 8th grader. I don't know what HoTW is. I know a lot of people like Human Odyssey for the middle school years. I used History Odyssey for my oldest for that age and plan to use it next year for my middle as well. She will be in 7th grade.

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I would not use SOTW for an 8th grader. I don't know what HoTW is. I know a lot of people like Human Odyssey for the middle school years. I used History Odyssey for my oldest for that age and plan to use it next year for my middle as well. She will be in 7th grade.

Just to clarify, by HotW I meant the newer history series by SWB, which begins with The History of the Ancient World, continues w/ The History of the Medieval World, etc.




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We didn't use SOTW.


5th: Human Odyssey, volume 1 (basically prehistory to 500)

6th: Human Odyssey, volume 2

7th: Human Odyssey, volume 3

8th: American Odyssey (which is used in some places as a high school book)


9th: Ancient History, using The Great Course's History of the Ancient World: A Global Perspective, The Human Record: Sources of Global History (Andrea Overfield), The Bedford Anthology of World Literature, book 1 (to 100 CE), and library nonfiction for each civilization being studied


10th plans: either in-depth ancient history of a specific civilization OR moving forward with medieval history (it's up to dd---her interests right now are in ancient history/archaeology/psychology/human geography/unusual languages-----yes, the former All Math, All the Time girl)


We're saving AP US History for at least another year because the course/test has been redesigned. I don't want to repeat the "guinea pig" experience older dd had with the redesigned AP Bio a few years back.

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We took a year off of history for DS when he was in 8th grade.  We were in the same boat- we had completed SOTW and didn't want to start the HOAW until 9th grade.  We did Geography that year, using Mapping the World by Heart and supplementing with lots of computer games. 

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I'm using HoTW with my 7th grader; there was some serious hand holding in the beginning, but it's working fine now. The chapters are very short. I have him read and outline, then answer the questions in the study guide. Then we do the short essay questions together. It's definitely more challenging than he's had before for history, but my goal was to push him a bit this year.

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