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Feeling apprehensive

Teresa in MO

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I just dropped off my son at the airport.  He is flying to Lima, Peru.  He will be backpacking through South America for the next two months. He is with a friend and his wife.  I will not be able to contact him.  He will be able to call me when he has Wi-Fi, every couple of weeks.  I am excited for him, but also a little apprehensive!


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HUGS!  I am sure he will have a fabulous time!  I went to Peru ages and ages ago.  It was a wonderful experience.  I think in these days of instant communication we are so used to knowing everything all the time.  But just a few years ago travel did mean actual lack of communication.  Just think of the wonderful stories he will have to relate when he gets back!

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Hi Teresa. I'm  not that mom yet but I was that kid. First left the country at 16 for two months on a mission trip, before the Internet. :) Now I know how brave and strong my mom was for letting me go. Hugs to you. It was a great time in my life--truly instructive for me as an adult, even now with many more traveling experiences under my belt.



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Binip - I was that kid too!  My trip to Peru was a mission trip - but just a few weeks. I think I was 13.  However, I had some mission trips to India when I was an older teenager that had me out of contact with parents for weeks!  And one time, when I was a young adult, when I was in India and my parents had no idea where I was for weeks and weeks. And no way to reach me.  And no idea how to find me if they needed to.  I don't know how my parents didn't have massive strokes while I was away.   But it all worked out - and I have great stories!

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