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My husband was diagnosed with a Hiatal hernia today

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What are his issues? How big of a hernia? My dh has a good sized one and he takes Nexium now. He could've had surgery but we were told that it might not work or grow back. The Nexium has helped. What are his symptoms? Are they severe or has he been treated with any meds?

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What are his issues? How big of a hernia? My dh has a good sized one and he takes Nexium now. He could've had surgery but we were told that it might not work or grow back. The Nexium has helped. What are his symptoms? Are they severe or has he been treated with any meds?


His symptoms that led to the testing done earlier in the week (barium x-ray) are acid reflux, a feeling of not digesting his food properly and a distended stomach. We are waiting to hear what meds will be called in and what type of Hiatal hernia. Meanwhile, we leave for a vacation filled with thrill rides in a couple of days and I'm wondering about the effect of g-forces on a hernia and whether he needs to sit a few rides out.


He's maybe 10 or 15 lbs overweight, doesn't smoke, binge eat, and he's only 44 years old. :-/

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We were told it's mainly genetic. My dh was 35 at dx and not overweight. He has had symptoms his whole life. He has IBS, lactose intolerance, food allergies and refuses to watch his diet. The Nexium helps when he is treating himself right.


I hope the specialist can help you guys. If he's in severe pain then I wouldn't do rides. My dh does all kinds of things and it doesn't usually bother him but it depends on the hernia.

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I've got one due to narrow ribs and pregnancy.:glare: I don't know if different types require significantly different treatment, but I'll pass on what I know.


I was told to avoid coffee - there's some chemical,even in decaf, that irritates your stomach - and to avoid large meals and carbonated beverages. Basically, you don't want to distend your stomach, because then 1)you are likely to push food and acid up through the hernia and 2) your stomach produces more acid based on how much pressure is in there. Also shouldn't wear clothing that is tight around the waist.


Doc told me he'd rather see me eat a chili pepper than drink a big glass of water all at once because of the pressure/acid thing.


If his reflux is really bad and he doesn't have any meds yet, you can take two pepcid every day (it's the same as one prescription). I'd also elevate the head of your bed a couple inches and eat a small snack before bed - handful of nuts, couple crackers - to help keep the acid from flowing up the esphogus. The food helps absorb any acid.


As far as rides, I might be tempted to avoid anything that is going to leave me hanging upside down, but roller coasters and things I would think would be fine.


Hope this helps, and that your dh feels better soon!

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