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Small things that are making your day or week rock.


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-Ds, almost 2, asked to go pee again this evening, and did so successfully on the potty!  Maybe he really is ready to start trying regularly. Perhaps I'll see during Christmas break.


-My sister shipped Christmas presents to my house because she lives far away.  The box was HUGE and occupied my children for quite some time.

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To the casual observer, this might be a small thing, but it was really a big thing. 


A month ago, one of the directors I work for yelled at me. I don't mean spoke with frustration, I mean he YELLED. I've only been at this job since September and I asked a question about something I knew nothing about and he blew up at me. I was totally embarrassed and it didn't take long for the entire agency to know he did it. Outside of the embarrassment, his freak-out sent me right back to that place where I'd go emotionally when the EX would freak out, or when my mother would. That place where I automatically shift into survival mode, immediately come up with a plan B. Outwardly, I was stunned. I was floored a grown, highly educated man would react like this to a simple question. And, I was worried that everyone would think I was stupid or something. This put me in a real funk and I've been cranky for the past month. 


Fast forward to today: The other director I work for (I'm split between two departments) had his annual holiday luncheon for his department at a very cool restaurant. I knew we were giving him a gift, but I had NO clue he was giving out gifts to his support staff. So, he handed out cards signed by everyone and inside was $50 gc to a sushi place I like and $60 in cash. I was so touched by that! It was such a generous gift. He said he appreciated my work and was glad I was on the team. I almost cried!


Side note: I was strongly encouraged by coworkers to talk to the HR person about the yelling. I did and I told her I was afraid he could fire me since I'm technically on probation. She assured me he could NOT fire me and that the probation period was to ensure I had the skills to do the job, which she knew was absolutely not an issue at all. She also told me that if he does it again, I'm to come to her immediately. This was NOT acceptable and I don't have to take that treatment, ever. So, I felt better about that. He's not yelled at me since and in a very round-about way, he vaguely apologized. I didn't make a further issue out of it since HR is now aware it happened. But man, I need some coping skills or something, because I absolutely can not handle yelling without going into "Danger!" mode.  


So, all that to say, a fab lunch and a nice word (not to mention the generous gift) totally made my day!

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