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I learned two things today


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1) Driving, low blood sugar, and spider panic do not mix well. I was dropping my oldest off at an event, and as I was leaving, I pulled off to the side of the parking lot to reset my GPS for the errand I was about to run. As I was doing that, I spotted a spider on the passenger seat and tried to remove it through the driver side door. Of course, what happened when I opened the driver side door is that the wind blew it onto my shirt, where it proceeded to crawl directly and rapidly toward my face. I leaped out of the car to brush it off me, only to discover (almost too late) that my car was still in Drive, on a downward slope, headed toward a small stand of trees. I had to run for it, pull myself in by the steering wheel, and slam on the brakes. Then I had to leap back out and brush myself off frantically while quietly shrieking and flapping my arms. The guys in the construction trailer are probably going to be telling that story for awhile. 


I messed up my knee, wrenched my arm, and tore two nails jumping back into the car. DD asked if I felt like I should join Dauntless now  :glare:


2) One should not ask thinly veiled questions of the Whole Foods cashier about whether people actually choose to keep the nickels for reusable bags instead of having WF donate them, because it guarantees that the person behind one in line is someone who does choose to keep them and will be vocal about it. That "Why not just keep your mouth shut?" lesson is one I really should have already internalized by now. Apparently I haven't *sigh* I'm blaming it on the low blood sugar again.


So how was YOUR day?!

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Thanks for the good laugh! I needed it. Sorry you had a rough day. Mine wasn't nearly as eventful as yours but I learned today that sometimes when you are heading to dd's piano lesson, you will instead be calling everyone in your phone to get a jump then going to auto zone for a new battery instead. The piano lesson would've been considerably cheaper :-/

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Sheesh, couldn't you have been hit by another car?!!!

I'm tired. Very tired. What have I learned today? That we are going to move to an area that's deep in the heart of Texas, OH MY.


I also learned that at least one of my children thinks I complain a bit. Also learned today that one of my kids wanted to date a pretty and young lady and found out on the first date that this young lady had a trashy mouth, among other surprising things.


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How was my day?


Waaaayyyy less eventful than yours!!!


The spider thing alone would've sent me over the edge!!!




Eta: I take back my hug...are you sure the spider is gone? Is that the shirt you were wearing?


(Fist bump)


Oh, believe me, I changed when I got home! After all of that drama, I didn't see the spider again :willy_nilly:  It's somewhere, either dead or very ticked off. I also injured myself last night when shaking out my pants in the bathroom in case there was a spider in them--I shook too vigorously and whipped my bare leg with a metal-tipped drawstring. I thought DH was going to die laughing. But ever since he had two spider bites on his face that got really bad, I'm so paranoid!!!


Thanks for the good laugh! I needed it. Sorry you had a rough day. Mine wasn't nearly as eventful as yours but I learned today that sometimes when you are heading to dd's piano lesson, you will instead be calling everyone in your phone to get a jump then going to auto zone for a new battery instead. The piano lesson would've been considerably cheaper :-/


Oh, boo :( I've BTDT too. Thank heaven for AAA! At least you were home and not stuck somewhere else, waiting.


Sheesh, couldn't you have been hit by another car?!!!

I'm tired. Very tired. What have I learned today? That we are going to move to an area that's deep in the heart of Texas, OH MY.


I also learned that at least one of my children thinks I complain a bit. Also learned today that one of my kids wanted to date a pretty and young lady and found out on the first date that this young lady had a trashy mouth, among other surprising things.


:lol: It would have been less embarrassing, that's for sure. 


:grouphug:  about your move. If it helps, I've never once met a person who didn't love living in TX. I know they must exist, but Texas seems to generally be a great place to live. Big moves are certainly overwhelming though. Heck, small moves are overwhelming!


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I'm glad everything turned out okay, because it gave me a good laugh!


Reminded me of the time in high school that I got home late from my part-time job. I got out of my parent's car, and just as I was shutting the locked door, realized the car didn't have the emergency brake on nor was it in gear. I realized this just as the door clicked shut because the car was starting to roll downhill toward the neighbor's house. Gah! After a panicky run alongside it yanking on the locked door handle it rolled to a stop in front of their hedges lining the living room bay window. As quietly as possible I got in, started the car, and drove out of their yard. Parked more carefully the second time around!

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I'm glad everything turned out okay, because it gave me a good laugh!


Reminded me of the time in high school that I got home late from my part-time job. I got out of my parent's car, and just as I was shutting the locked door, realized the car didn't have the emergency brake on nor was it in gear. I realized this just as the door clicked shut because the car was starting to roll downhill toward the neighbor's house. Gah! After a panicky run alongside it yanking on the locked door handle it rolled to a stop in front of their hedges lining the living room bay window. As quietly as possible I got in, started the car, and drove out of their yard. Parked more carefully the second time around!


:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  Thank you for the good laugh in return :lol: Yes, I was grateful that I didn't somehow lock myself out of it too! I was at least able to laugh at myself after the adrenaline wore off  :blush:

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Glad it all worked out semi-ok and hope the healing goes well!


What did I learn today?  That a day where one is at work totally bored and feeling kinda crappy can all be turned around when you get to listen to some students you know and like in the midst of ongoing (teen) problems and provide a workable solution that they appreciate.  (No spiders were harmed in MY experience.   :lol: )

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Wow, OP!  That was enough excitement to last you for a while!


Thanks for the good laugh! I needed it. Sorry you had a rough day. Mine wasn't nearly as eventful as yours but I learned today that sometimes when you are heading to dd's piano lesson, you will instead be calling everyone in your phone to get a jump then going to auto zone for a new battery instead. The piano lesson would've been considerably cheaper :-/


MrsRobinson, I wish your dead battery had turned out as good as mine did today. Car wouldn't start at the gas station, but dh gave me some advice over the phone and I got it started.  


He look at it when he got home, then took it to Auto Zone where they checked the battery.  Battery was bad, but we had bought it there and it was still under warranty.  Less than a month left!  Whew!  


That was the easiest car trouble I've ever had!

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