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Question about anticipated awards ~ did I mess up?


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The thread about the anticipated Eagle Rank got me to thinking...


How often are anticipated awards or experiences included on applications? I am not questioning the inclusion of that information at all but am sincerely wondering if this is common.


DS has some long term goals in the works and we did not include them on any application materials and now I am wondering if we should have.


For example, his high school has an Academic Hall of Fame award that students can earn.  It takes 4 years of preparation and dedication and includes multiple APs, other honors courses and a minimum GPA and class standing.  There are usually between 5-10 students in each class who earn this distinction; all begin the process their freshman year.  DS will be one of the students to earn the award this year.  We did not list in on his achievements because the distinction is not official until right before graduation, even though it is accepted by school officials at the end of this semester.


He will also complete requirements for the Triple G award in February. This award is given to students who earn Varsity letters in Academics, Activities and Sports and is awarded in February of senior year.  We didn't include this either even though DS has completed all requirements.


There is a Boy Scout award that he is working on  - a rare, national award - that should be completed and awarded in the spring.  We didn't include it since it's about 5 months from being awarded.


Are these things we should have included?  Should we have included an "Anticipated" category on his resume?  Is it too late to change things now?  Should we send an addendum to the schools he is applying to?

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I would only include anticipated awards if it is a "done deal" -- like the Eagle scout thread, where the Eagle project was completed, he was just completing badges. If the Eagle project was still outstanding, NO, I would not include it. Too many students trip at the finish line; I know 3 young men who only lacked only the project but burned out and didn't get to it -- and are much regretting it now, BTW. :(


If the long-term work is completed and it is just a small timing thing of finishing out the last few hours of work, then that is probably safe to put on applications as "anticipated awards".



As far as sending an addendum -- I would only do that upon actual award. I think it would look odd to send an update of things not yet received, just anticipated. JMO! :)

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I would only include anticipated awards if it is a "done deal" -- like the Eagle scout thread, where the Eagle project was completed, he was just completing badges. If the Eagle project was still outstanding, NO, I would not include it. Too many students trip at the finish line; I know 3 young men who only lacked only the project but burned out and didn't get to it -- and are much regretting it now, BTW. :(



Another caution here as well. I know three men who completed their Eagle projects, but never finished up their paperwork and therefore never had a board of review. Consequently, they aren't Eagle Scouts. 

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Another caution here as well. I know three men who completed their Eagle projects, but never finished up their paperwork and therefore never had a board of review. Consequently, they aren't Eagle Scouts.

I've seen this happen, too. Such a shame. I get it though - it WAS tedious for him.


Ds had EVERYTHING completed when he filled out his college applications - badges, project, leadership, paperwork - all of it. He truly was just waiting on "them" for his Board of Review. There was a big push last December by a lot of boys because the cooking badge was going to become a new requirement if everything was not completed by December. My ds had done that badge anyway, but because many had not there was an inordinate number of boys who got all their paperwork done around the same time and thus more than the normal amount of reviews.

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