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requesting toy advice


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My youngest dear nephew (age 17 months) LOVES my tablet, but loves the pushy buttons most of all. He has an unerring knack for calling up legalese screens, or deleting apps.


Can anyone please recommend any tablet-like toys with real buttons that can be pressed, and a screen that has a colorful display? It would be better if it is NOT a touch screen.


He is the youngest (by 7 or more years) and smallest of all of the cousins and wants to do everything the other kids do. I'd like to get him his own durable "tablet" for Christmas.


Any suggestions?

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A real tablet with Kids Place app installed. My techy 10yo can not get around it (you can set it to be the start up screen and limit time per day, per app and more).. Add a GOOD case and warranty if you want it.

I used to love leapfrog and vtech, but the games/cartridges will suck you dry and there are so many free/cheap good apps now in the play store. 

We just got 2 of these for under $140 total with accident protection. Bonus mom/dad can use it too. Are they Samsungs? No, but the sound/video/graphics is pretty good. Only thing missing is a back facing camera really.


Really, little kids figure out pretty quick that those "copies" can not do all the fun things the real thing can do. Those toy versions are fine if they have never played on the real thing.

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Not trying to start anything but are you sure his parents would let him have it? I only ask because I have a son who is almost 2 and loves all things tablet but he would not be allowed to have his own. If anyone gave him his own I wouldn't say anything to them but it would be returned. I only mention this because its an expensive gift to not actually be used by the receiver.

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Not trying to start anything but are you sure his parents would let him have it? I only ask because I have a son who is almost 2 and loves all things tablet but he would not be allowed to have his own. If anyone gave him his own I wouldn't say anything to them but it would be returned. I only mention this because its an expensive gift to not actually be used by the receiver.

OP said "tablet," which I think means a toy version such as a LeapPad, not a $$$ real tablet.


My 2 year old loves the iPad but got bored/frustrated with a friend's LeapPad. I don't think it would work as a replacement, or not in my house anyway. :)

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OP said "tablet," which I think means a toy version such as a LeapPad, not a $$$ real tablet.


My 2 year old loves the iPad but got bored/frustrated with a friend's LeapPad. I don't think it would work as a replacement, or not in my house anyway. :)

Leappads are expensive gifts to simply be returned because the child's parent didn't allow them in the house. A leap pad is a gift I would not allow my child to own and know many parents who wouldn't either. I of course know many parents who would. That is why I suggested making sure it's allowed.

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Leappads are expensive gifts to simply be returned because the child's parent didn't allow them in the house. A leap pad is a gift I would not allow my child to own and know many parents who wouldn't either. I of course know many parents who would. That is why I suggested making sure it's allowed.


I second this.


We just lost the batteries or let it die. "Gee honey, the most addictive and simultaneously irritating toy you've ever had, which has been at the heart of at least 6,578 meltdowns since you got it last week, died! How sad!"

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Thank you all for your suggestions. I will be checking them out.


For those concerned: this nephew is the youngest (by many years) of 10 cousins who are all very close and see each other regularly and frequently. We are well-acquainted with what the adults allow in the way of technology. DH and I have been the slowest of the 3 brothers' families to introduce such toys and devices in this techophile clan, and if a gift is expensive or if we have any doubts about whether a gift might cross a line we check with the parents of the recipient kid first. This system works very well.


I will not give a real tablet to this nephew for a few years yet, not after he gleefully dunked his uncle's phone in the dogs' water dish. ("Don't worry," BIL said, "that case is TOUGH. He can't hurt it." SPLASH SPLASH SPLASH! "Well, is your case water-proof?" Turns out no, it wasn't.) There are enough adults and teens around to let him play, carefully supervised, on the baby apps on real tablets already in the family. What I intend to buy is his own toy full of buttons to push and reactions from the button-pushing, so we can tell him to go get his own "tablet" when he wants to run around with it or doesn't want to follow the rules for playing with an adult's tablet on an adult's lap.


Thank you all again for the suggestions!

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I have bought all my grandkids iPad minis, and I've gotten them refurbished for $200 each. I know this isn't info the OP needs, but I just want to mention it in this thread since a lot of the "kid" tablets are kind of pricey and don't have near the options for apps as an iPad. We love the iGuy for a case.

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