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Who has actually healed adrenal fatigue?


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I have. But I caught it early and I think that really helped. Things I did:



Homeopathic tincture specifically for adrenal support

Being religious about being in bed and sleeping by 10pm every single night

Cut out coffee completely

Eating every couple hours and being very mindful of blood sugar

Reducing all stress- to the point where I took all the kids out of activities for 6 mos- no rushing like mad out of the house, late dinners, being hurried from place to place etc.

Essential oils- I know these can be a hot topic and I didn't rely on them much but I did use them. Nutmeg in particular. YL also has a couple others specifically for adrenals. But I am not "going there" on this thread. :)

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Adrenal fatigue is usually a secondary issue.  In other words, something is depleting your adrenals.  It might be thyroid.  It might be a virus.  It might be hidden infections.  Sometimes you can just treat the adrenals and it will work because the original problem was already fixed or gets fixed while treating it.  Sometimes you haven't found the underlying source and treating the adrenals just keeps it from getting worse.  

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How do you know if they are healed?


I had some health issues this summer and am feeling much better. I'd still like to have some more energy, but I'm pleased with my progress. I have been taking some adrenal supplements, along with some other vitamins for Vitamin B12 deficiency/folate, and some to help with copper toxicity. They seem to be working.

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