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Food to take hunting

Jean in Newcastle

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My DH takes crackers & pb, Vienna sausages, pop tarts, etc. I try to push healthier fare on him but he honestly likes to take junk. I try to fix trail mix, jerky, & some sort of muffins/cookies/baked goods (store in hard container or it's turns to crumbs). And lots of water.


But he never stays overnight. That is for before dawn to after dusk hunting.

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What I remember my dad taking when I was a kid was chips, chocolate bars, and Pepsi.  I always like riding with him for the treats.  He never stayed overnight though and usually came home for lunch break and dinner.


I would take the same sort of food you would take backpacking: sandwiches can work, trail mix, pretzels, nuts (if he isn't allergic), etc.  I would also make sure he takes plenty of water to drink.

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