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PBTeen Beanbags? Opinions?


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I'm considering one for my teen daughter for Christmas. Looking at the fur option, but they are crazy expensive. Does anyone know if they ever go on sale before Christmas? Can anyone vouch for the quality? She reads constantly so I think she would live in it, but it's soooo pricey. (It would be her only gift from us) 


Anyone have another brand that is soft, comfy, & durable that you would recommend? 


Thanks for the input!

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DD has one. It is the large one and very good quality. I wash it several times a year and it looks new. Instead of buying it from pb teen I got it off eBay. I bought the cover and stuffed it with her stuff animals. It is very comfy. DS is getting a one this week as he loves hers. DD is not a teen so hers is large enough for her and I to sit in it and read together.

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DD has one. It is the large one and very good quality. I wash it several times a year and it looks new. Instead of buying it from pb teen I got it off eBay. I bought the cover and stuffed it with her stuff animals. It is very comfy. DS is getting a one this week as he loves hers. DD is not a teen so hers is large enough for her and I to sit in it and read together.


What a good idea to stuff with stuffed animals.  I was going to ask about the stuffing - I worry about the polystyrene bead option, as they offgas, and I have a kiddo whose asthma gets crazy with offgassing.  But animals - we can wash those!  Very cool.


Thank you for posting that tip.  :)


Land of Nod has bean bags on 15% off today, with flat rate shipping that's pretty inexpensive.  

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We have the larger sherpa beanbag from PB Teen. It's well loved and used. We've had it over a year now and it's kept it's shape and still looks new. I think I signed up for emails for which they then sent me a coupon code... I then combined it with a sale price. That's usually the only way I make this kind of purchase. :) 


Before the PB beanbag, I bought two cheap ones from Target. They were a red twill type fabric. They lasted forever, and were used until they looked like deflated balloons. PB is on a whole other level. It's like a piece of furniture. My only rec is to check your measurements. The big one is HUGE!


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Thank you for the replies (and for the additional questions Ali in OR).  Good to hear that those who have them are pleased and that sale prices pop up occasionally. Such a tough decision. I'm not good at spending $$ on things I can't touch first.  :tongue_smilie: 

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