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Rod and Staff English Question

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My 9 year old is working through CTGE 4, and my 11 year old is working through CTGE 5. I'm considering transitioning into Rod and Staff English after we're done (around New Year's or so). By that time they'll be 10 and 12.  I know the transition from CTGE4 to RS 5 should be fine, but I'm not as certain about the transition from CTGE5 to RS 6.  Any thoughts, suggestions, or just general words of wisdom?



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I don't think it should be a problem, either. My current 4th grader is doing CTGE 4 and will move to R&S 5 next year. You are right that there should be no problem (from my previous experience with 5). My first moved from Growing With Grammar 5 to R&S 6 and got As, so I don't think that should be a problem, either. If you match the TOCs you can see the programs are similar.

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The textbook transition shouldn't be too difficult. We work through exercises in the text orally (and not all of them; selected exercises as needed).  Then I send the dc off to complete the student workbook exercises.  They write their answers directly in the book so there is no long re-copying of material. 



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The textbook transition shouldn't be too difficult. We work through exercises in the text orally (and not all of them; selected exercises as needed).  Then I send the dc off to complete the student workbook exercises.  They write their answers directly in the book so there is no long re-copying of material. 



In the book? Now that's interesting. I've looked at samples and I'm not seeing how there'd be space for that?

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In the book? Now that's interesting. I've looked at samples and I'm not seeing how there'd be space for that?


ITA. I don't know how children would be able to write their answers in the textbook.


One of the benefits of using a textbook is having to write on actual paper with an actual writing implement, which requires thinking carefully about what one is going to write and using good penmanship so that the answers will be legible.  And then there's the matter of wrestling down the textbook itself, which is not conducive to good penmanship or writing skills.

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I like the teacher's book. I started with R&S 5 and sometimes I need it, lol. I also like the review questions at the beginning of each lesson, and there is often a sort of scripted lesson to read to the student. It might start with 'write these sentences on the board'  and then give some instructions.


I do almost all of what is in the book orally. It is also nice to have the TB because he can have his book and I can have mine. I don't do all the questions or even every exercise. But, we spend maybe 20-30 mins a day on grammar. I do have him do generally  half of any sentence diagramming and he can't do that orally, obviously. If there is a worksheet, and there isn't one for every lesson, I might cut our time in the book short and have him do the worksheet instead. 


I don't use the writing instruction in R&S, I have a different writing program.

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In the book? Now that's interesting. I've looked at samples and I'm not seeing how there'd be space for that?

I think the person who mentioned writing the answers in the book was referring to the workbook. We will sometimes do that if we're short on time. I'll go through the lesson with my son and then instead of doing the written assignments, he does the workbook page (s) that go with the lesson. I don't think it would be possible to write the answers in the actual textbook.

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