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DD has depression and non-epileptic seizures..Need wisdom of the hive

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For over a year DD17 has had depression, anxiety and panic disorders.  We tried very hard to control them with diet and lifestyle changes. We were successful for awhile.  But, she seemed get worse a little at a time.  In late April, she had a well child check up.  She mentioned the issues to the ped.  We decided on 10 mg of Celexa and started seeing a counselor.  It didn't seem to help much and on May 31 she had the first seizure.  Fast forward.  On June 21, she almost collapsed in the shower.  Went to the ER. CT scan was normal.  Followed up with a neuro, he put her on paxil instead.  We had to wait a while but she finally had a video EEG on August 15.  At this point she was having multiple seizures daily.   I asked the drs if the seizures could be caused by the anti depressants?  They said no. Well ,on August 15, she stopped the meds.  She now has a seizure maybe once a week.  We've seen some progress.  She has laughed more over the last month, been more playful, a bit less antagonistic.  But, she is willfully doing things to aren't good for her too.  Like eating whatever she wants, doing whatever she wants, dismissing the coping strategies she's learning from the counselor.


Three days ago, she confessed to clipping her thigh with nail clippers (self harm).  I freaked and called the counselor.  They said to take her to the mental hospital for evaluation.  My husband, dd and I discussed this choice.  We decided to wait.  DD has promised to never self harm again.  She says she understands that it's not a solution to the problem.


Well, she has an appointment tomorrow with the counselor. The counselor said DD should be medicated.   We don't want her seizures getting worse again.  We don't want her zombiefied again.  It seems as though she acquired the "illness" after beginning the "treatment".  She never had these, more serious issues, before starting ADs and therapy.  She got worse, not better.  That's why we don't want her going to the hospital and getting on the meds again.  We don't want her stuck in-treatment with teens who are worse off than her.  


Has anyone been where I am now?  

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I don't know much on the self harm.


I do have a dd with seizures, anxiety, and other mood issues.


have you tried a seizure med at all?  Lamictal comes to mind first as it helps the seizures AND has anti depressant qualities to it.  There is a lot of overlap with seizures and mood issues and many of the best mood stabilizers are seizure meds.


It is hard to know what came first as your dd is at an age where these things do develop---so was it the meds that caused them or was she needing the meds as these issues were already coming on---might never know.


I would also NOT take the word of the counselor on meds.  I would seek out a top not peds/teen psychiatrist to treat her that will work in conjunction with a neurologist who specializes in this age group.

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You need a neurologist at this point.  Going to a therapist is a fine choice to help support dd and teach her coping skills, but with a complex medical case, you need a specialist in neurology.  The right neurologist should be able to jointly manage a seizure disorder and a mood/mental health disorder.


Was a seizure disorder diagnosed via the medical evaluations or did those come up as normal?  In other words, are seizures being assumed due to the symptoms or has clear medical evidence been found to back up a diagnosis of a seizure disorder?

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The neurologist diagnosed her with psychogenic seizures because of the evidence on the video eeg (lack of brain mis-fire).There are many causes for them.  They wanted her to stay on the ADs, but understand my reasoning to take her off of them for a trial.  To see of the seizures would get better.  They do have a neuor psych in their office but he didn't mention further testing.

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The neurologist diagnosed her with psychogenic seizures because of the evidence on the video eeg (lack of brain mis-fire).There are many causes for them.  They wanted her to stay on the ADs, but understand my reasoning to take her off of them for a trial.  To see of the seizures would get better.  They do have a neuor psych in their office but he didn't mention further testing.

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(((hugs)))  OP 


This is far beyond my area of expertise so I will offer hugs and urge you to follow up quickly and thoroughly with any and all professionals involved and take the cutting very seriously.  Seek the best professionals for her treatment (medical doctors and therapists) and do not fear inpatient for a short stay as needed.  Again, do your research on the best inpatient psych unit as you would with any other serious medical issue.

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