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Anyone else doing homework right now...?

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...with your kiddo?

Mine is a bit behind in everything but especially with homework in an outside class. So, we have

reinstituted Sunday homework sessions.


Anyone else?

One spent most of the day finishing homework for his dual enrollment math class and taking a practice midterm. (He got a 92% on the practice so I guess I did ok with all those home based math years.


Another son worked on a History project due today. He got that submitted and is now working on Latin.

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I didn't see this last night, but at the time you asked, both my kids were doing homework/studying.


Ds has two tests today and he was studying last night. He'd spent quite a bit of time this weekend studying for those tests, working on an Narrative for AP English, and finishing a book he was a little behind in for lit.


Dd was sick last week and was way behind in school. Keeping up in her online class took priority. So last night she was studying for the same Psychology test as ds. She was also trying to do some catching up in other classes, but at least I can be more flexible than the online class. It is making me remember why we homeschool.

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