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Dr. Hive--4yo with a strange rash


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Did she go barefoot in the grass or maybe step on something she is allergic too? Maybe she is sensitive to the antibiotic . Does she have it anywhere else?


My son has had a rash on his foot for a few months. I tried everything including Anti fungals, anti bacterial ointment, even diaper rash cream. Lol. What finally took it away was, this cream my daughter had gotten for a bacterial infection on her face. I know, weird. They said it was like strep on the skin. Anyways, I had some leftover I kept with the medicines and such, and I thought hey, I'll give it a try.

It worked. I guess it was a bacterial sort of germ and the cream too care of it.


Another suggestion would be a topical steroid cream if nothing else seems to work.

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Does she have a fever? What kind of rash? Is it flat red spots like pinpoints or is it purple flat sploches? Is it any where else like legs, arms, trunk? When you press on the rash, does it become white before returning to previous color of rash? If the rash does not blanch (become white) when you press on it then it could be petechiae or purpura which would need to be checked by a doctor. Any neck pain? Is she her usual happy self?


Meningitis is very rare but whenever I hear of rash and ear infections I would want to make sure as a nurse. I also want to be careful when I hear of fever and a rash even though it is likely numerous other less serious things just to be safe.







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My children have had hand, foot and mouth disease that presents itself like a rash in one or all of those areas.  I couldn't believe it when my children were diagnosed with it;  I thought only horses got that!  I think they had a little fever too.  Anyway, just a thought.  Good luck!

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