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I'm a little disappointed in myself as a mother.

Desert Strawberry

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I feel just like you do. There's nothing wrong with me or any of my kids, dh works hard at work and home. I'm living the dream of staying home and homeschooling. Yet I feel that way. I have 5 children 8 and under. I'm maxed out now. I can't do everything, you can't do everything... and it's frustrating to admit that! There isn't enough hours in the day or days in the week. It's especially hard when you can't afford to hire someone to clean the house, fix repairs, or help watch the kids. The biggest priority I try to remember is: "Do my kids feel loved today?" Many days I feel guilty because of my cranky attitude towards them. That's not who I wanted to be as a mother. Why is it so hard? I don't know. I struggle with it as well. I really need time to myself to get perspective and improve my mood. Maybe you need that, too. Yes, even if you should be working on a project or cleaning, maybe take a walk outside instead when your dh is home. That helps me a lot and I'm more productive afterwards. :grouphug:

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I chuckled a little (sympathetically), because this is pretty much how I've felt lately.  Three here, with one more on the way.  I seem to snap at the kids, be crabby, and bitch a little more each year.  I can also "should" myself to death, which pretty much makes things seem worse.  We've got home improvement stuff going on too, extra bills and expenses, and husband is pretty much gone all weekend with 12 hour shifts (leaves for work at 5am and gets home 7pm or later).  The one thing that helps me is making a list of everything that has gotten done, be it little or big.  Some days, just keeping track of all the little stuff that ate up my day helps me realize that I'm actually accomplishing something.  Wish I could clone my mom-in-law and send her your way - she's awesome and can run circles around me! 

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Periodically I have felt like this.  Thankfully I have a BFF that I can go across state and visit overnight (or if I'm lucky, 2 nights), and a DH that encourages me to take time for myself.  Life is really good and I am thankful for the many wonderful things in my life.  However, taking care of the needs of so many people and growing another human being is exhausting and overwhelming.  It's important to recharge your batteries in whatever way that works for you.  


Get away if you can so you don't even have to deal with kid/house responsibilities.  If that's not possible, work with hubby so he does dinner for a week or bath/bedtime.  You can take an uninterrupted nap, shower,  or walk around a store aimlessly :) Whatever floats your boat. 


Hormones and exhaustion can wreak havoc on you, and it's important for your kids and DH to have a healthy and fully recharged mama.

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You *only* have 4 kids? You feel exhausted while pregnant? Geez, hang out with me for a bit (another panic attack this morning) and you'll feel like mother of the year. My advice is to be gentle with yourself and let go of all those perfectionist expectations. We're all just muddling through life -- parents most especially.


I agree TOTALLY!


Please, give yourself a little shake of the head. There is no "only" 4 kids. That is huge. Add on your hands-on homeschooling routine. Then another pregnancy.


Do you realize all the blessings that you are receiving every single day just to be able to function and keep it all together? Be gentle with yourself, for sure, just as gentle as you can imagine God is being with you. You are doing an amazing job. ((hugs))

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I just wanted to come back the say "Thank you" to everyone who offered me support. I didn't tag this thread JAWM because I wanted to leave the door open for hard truth. I wasn't expecting such gentleness. I do appreciate that.  :001_wub: 


Just a very brief update. I am feeling much better. I am eating more and better, sleeping more, drinking more, and just generally taking better care of myself. I have more energy, and am actually getting things done with humor and kindness. 


My kitchen is still not back together, but I'm feeling more equipped to deal with it. Soon. Very soon :)

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I can't do everything, you can't do everything... and it's frustrating to admit that! There isn't enough hours in the day or days in the week. :

For me, it's not even that. It's when I do spend a couple hours in the afternoon and I clean and mop the bathrooms, scrub out the kitchen sink, mop the floor, dust my bedroom and vacuum, vacuum the living area (I do this all on Wed. my cleaning day, the kids do the same chores on Saturdays, so my house does get it twice a week) and a couple hours layer, there are spots on the kitchen floor, granola crumbs on the carpet (how many times do I tell them, "food stays in the kitchen"), towels thrown on the floor in the bathroom. It is demoralizing. And I do make them clean up after themselves. But I have to tell ds to vacuum up his granola crumbs, and he grumbles.... Blah, blah, blah. I feel like I am swimming up stream most of the time!

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For me, it's not even that. It's when I do spend a couple hours in the afternoon and I clean and mop the bathrooms, scrub out the kitchen sink, mop the floor, dust my bedroom and vacuum, vacuum the living area (I do this all on Wed. my cleaning day, the kids do the same chores on Saturdays, so my house does get it twice a week) and a couple hours layer, there are spots on the kitchen floor, granola crumbs on the carpet (how many times do I tell them, "food stays in the kitchen"), towels thrown on the floor in the bathroom. It is demoralizing. And I do make them clean up after themselves. But I have to tell ds to vacuum up his granola crumbs, and he grumbles.... Blah, blah, blah. I feel like I am swimming up stream most of the time!

Exactly. Exactly this. How hard is it to flush the toilet and keep the toothpaste off the floor. Impossible, it seems. Sigh.

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I just wanted to come back the say "Thank you" to everyone who offered me support. I didn't tag this thread JAWM because I wanted to leave the door open for hard truth. I wasn't expecting such gentleness. I do appreciate that.  :001_wub: 


Just a very brief update. I am feeling much better. I am eating more and better, sleeping more, drinking more, and just generally taking better care of myself. I have more energy, and am actually getting things done with humor and kindness. 


My kitchen is still not back together, but I'm feeling more equipped to deal with it. Soon. Very soon :)

I'm so glad to hear that you're feeling better! :hurray:


I hated to see you beating yourself up for having feelings that are perfectly normal -- and I actually thought you were handling things so much better than I would have dealt with them (and I'm not pregnant and I only have one child!)


Don't underestimate the stress of having your house torn apart. It's so weird that something like walking into a kitchen or bathroom and seeing it incomplete can be so stressful, but it is -- especially the kitchen!

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Today has been insane btw. Since my post this morning we have had:


A toad capture

A baby gecko capture

A wasp sting with an exorbitant amount of drama

Two baths

A clogged toilet

I mowed the grass

A tree branch lodged in the lawn mower blades

My first hands on experience with an axe-much harder than it looks

Fixed the lawn mower

More school

Took a shower and resting 


We haven't had lunch yet.


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Why are you mowing the grass??????


Why are you fixing the lawn mower??????


I think it's high time you started demanding a little preferential treatment!!!

Because it needs to be cut  :lol:

I broke it, so I fixed it. 


Gem stepped on a wasp in the grass. We also have fire ants. I found a big pile next to the children's garden. Tall grass is a safety issue. There is a storm rolling in so it has to be done now.


There's always work to be done.


EtA: I had a baby cousin die after being stung by fire ants. They freak me out.

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Because it needs to be cut :lol:

I broke it, so I fixed it.


Gem stepped on a wasp in the grass. We also have fire ants. I found a big pile next to the children's garden. Tall grass is a safety issue. There is a storm rolling in so it has to be done now.

OK, but if you cut the grass, your dh has to cook dinner and do the laundry!


Fair is fair. :)

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