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I'm Back from Bible Camp

Jean in Newcastle

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It was exhausting but amazing.  The kids had a great time.  They were safe except for literally a minute before the end of camp when a little girl got hit on the nose with a ball and possibly broke her nose.  My dh (camp nurse) put ice on it and put a call into her mom who was already on her way in the car to pick her up to let her know that she needed to plan to have a doctor look at it.  It was one of those freak things - the ball must have just hit her nose "just right".  We're already planning for next year's camp.  We've actually had three meetings already to discuss next year's plans.  We will retain all of this year's staff (most of us have been working together for four years now) and will add a number of new staff members because we were actually a bit understaffed this year for the number of kids we had attending.  Dh and another pastor baptized 8 kids this morning (with parental approval of course).  Many parents came in for our camp talent show and then again for the baptism this morning.  I am soooooo tired.  And hot.  And dirty.  And sad that camp is over for another year!  (As another staff member said to me, "We were just really getting into our groove!")  

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The little girl's nose is not broken as far as the doctor can tell.  It is definitely bruised and swollen though.  Poor girl.  


RC, are you and Liz going to gang up on me to nag me into resting?   :lol:


If ganging up will help, then I'm in. 


Take at least a couple days to actually rest.  I think that it will pay off in your not burning out or feeling sick early in the year.

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