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ACE Paces vs CLE?


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I am having a BOY problem. I am looking for straight-forward, true/false, multiple choice, matching etc worktexts. We do other stuff (when we do it) but I want a daily, structured, scheduled system that will keep the boys moving forward (even when I am not.)


And how does it compare to CLE?

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As a child I went to an ACE school (in high school) and I think they are very easy, at least at this level. It is really just fill in the blank. Maybe the lower grades are better, but I never even considered it, nor have any of the folks I know that experienced paces as a kid. The overall education you get with PACES is the opposite of "challenging." 


I do use CLE LA and reading with one of my children and I am quite happy with it. I think CLE requires a lot more reasoning and includes a variety of activities, not just fill in the blank. CLE also seems to update their stuff more frequently. 

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I've purchased CLE a few times and then sold it. And I am within driving distance, too, so it is very frustrating for me to wait for Paces. 


I am thinking Paces because one of my boys is dyslexic so reading is a complete challenge for him. I need something that will give him a task that is not too overwhelming for him to complete. 


They still want to do SOTW and FLL and their other stuff, but I need something that gives them something to do, to keep them always moving forward.

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ACE is not challenging. History and science are all reading comprehension. Math is the driest I've ever seen and reads like electronics instructions. Spelling does at least teach the rules. English is the only redeeming quality the whole course has IMO, but it's not that hard to spot the pattern, get great scores, and not *really* know what you're doing.


I used them myself for years, and I can't say they kept me moving forward. My voracious reading appetite saved those years IMO.

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I use PACEs for my (slightly) delayed 4th grader.  He struggles across the board and I want him to not feel "behind" so we use the PACEs (for LA) which he keeps up with OK.  They are NOT challenging in my opinion but they do get across a basic understanding of the basics at grade level.


I use CLE for my average/advanced 4th grader.  They challenge her and make her work (in a good way).  


So they are both good, just depends what you are looking for.

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Warning, this is harsh review of ACE:


I knew a man awhile ago that was "educated" all the way through with ACE and it was shocking to see just how uneducated he really was. What I've noticed from the workbooks is that because they are just so open and go there is really no room for critical thinking. The right answer is there in the reading material so there's no training in challenging the facts or critically examining what you're being fed by the curriculum producers. I suspect that this program is more likely to produce followers that can churn out "correct" answers than people who can problem solve or challenge the status quo in any meaningful way.

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I did ACE growing up, and it was needlessly easy.  I liked it, because I could move at my own pace, which was roughly twice what was expected of me.  That put me in college woefully under-prepared at 16.  I graduated in 5 years with math and physics, but my first year was a near complete loss.


I love the idea of PACES, but I always knew the content was not doing me any favors.  I really wish someone would pick up on the concept, but put together a serious curriculum.  The options that are available are all "not quite there yet."

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