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need help chosing US HIstory....

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Have you glanced over Sonlight yet? Core 100 uses Joy Hakim's A history of US series. http://www.sonlight.com/history-geography-120.html


I haven't used them yet, but there's also history sites like http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/teachers/lesson_plans/lesson_plan_ladenburg.cfm and http://www.sageamericanhistory.net/ that give you everything already, and you can add in your literature.

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We're keeping it simple this year with American history.  Dd is using TTC's A History of the US 2nd edition.  We're combining history with government this year and will finish American history with economics in 12th grade. 


She'll read just a few books to go with history/government, but she's also taking an outsourced American literature/composition course.


With the DVDs, she reads the chapter in the course book, watches the video, takes notes, answers the questions in the course book, and will discuss American history with her dad during the year. 

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We're keeping it simple this year with American history.  Dd is using TTC's A History of the US 2nd edition.  We're combining history with government this year and will finish American history with economics in 12th grade. 


She'll read just a few books to go with history/government, but she's also taking an outsourced American literature/composition course.


With the DVDs, she reads the chapter in the course book, watches the video, takes notes, answers the questions in the course book, and will discuss American history with her dad during the year. 


What is TTC?

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We're keeping it simple this year with American history.  Dd is using TTC's A History of the US 2nd edition.  We're combining history with government this year and will finish American history with economics in 12th grade. 


She'll read just a few books to go with history/government, but she's also taking an outsourced American literature/composition course.


With the DVDs, she reads the chapter in the course book, watches the video, takes notes, answers the questions in the course book, and will discuss American history with her dad during the year. 

Yup, this is what we're doing.  I started with the FundaFunda syllabus, but when I realized the AP exam is changing for this year I gave up.  I plan to just have her watch the videos, take notes, and use the course book.  It's enough for our goals.  Haven't decided how to handle lit.  



My DD/9th is using the Fundafunda schedule ~ http://fundafunda.com/blog/in-depth-us-history-course-for-high-schoolers.html


Lit is not included. I cut and pasted the schedule into a new document, added lit and geography, and printed it for DD.

I don't suppose you'd have time to share your lit list?  :)  

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We're keeping it simple this year with American history.  Dd is using TTC's A History of the US 2nd edition.  We're combining history with government this year and will finish American history with economics in 12th grade. 


She'll read just a few books to go with history/government, but she's also taking an outsourced American literature/composition course.


With the DVDs, she reads the chapter in the course book, watches the video, takes notes, answers the questions in the course book, and will discuss American history with her dad during the year. 


another question......which spine/text is this? 

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another question......which spine/text is this? 



This is the DVD series:




It is not on sale right now, so it is outrageouly expensive.  Each course the Teaching Company sells goes on sale each year. You just watch for the sales and buy when the price is low.


The spine we are using is from this DVD series.  It is not a heavy kind of thing.  The spine that corresponds with this series contains 84 lessons (chapters).  Each lesson is just about 3 pages long and corresponds with the DVD lessons- the pages are about 5"x8". (IOW, it is a small book. Thick, but small.)  At the end of each chapter, you'll find suggestions for extra reading and also 2 questions about the content of the lesson.  In the middle of this spine are map pages- just for reference.  In fact, the entire "spine" is simply a reference type book for the DVD lessons.  


I think when most on these boards mention a "spine", it generally refers to a text book type book with a lot of information that will lead a student through a history course.  This book we are using for a spine is not as thorough.  I'm having trouble making this clear.....  Each chapter/lesson is more like a summary than a text chapter.  There- that's better.  You could certainly add a more traditional spine to this if you wanted.  We're keeping history simple, so we're not.


Does that help?

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Here's our plan:


TGC DVDs -  A History of the U.S. 2nd edition

Making America: A History of the United States  (just received this and really like it!)

Critical Thinking in United States History 

Mapping the World with Art and or Map Trek 

CLEP 1  

Art: A World History 





What about something like A History of the American People by Paul Johnson or America: The Last Best Hope by William Bennett with some Ken Burns or TGC's. You might also consider Meryl's FundaFunda syllabus. You could modify to fit your needs.


Best wishes on finding the right choice!



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I just found TGC U.S. History 2nd edition Brand New on Amazon for $75.00. Also watch Ebay!


This is the DVD series:




It is not on sale right now, so it is outrageouly expensive.  Each course the Teaching Company sells goes on sale each year. You just watch for the sales and buy when the price is low.


The spine we are using is from this DVD series.  It is not a heavy kind of thing.  The spine that corresponds with this series contains 84 lessons (chapters).  Each lesson is just about 3 pages long and corresponds with the DVD lessons- the pages are about 5"x8". (IOW, it is a small book. Thick, but small.)  At the end of each chapter, you'll find suggestions for extra reading and also 2 questions about the content of the lesson.  In the middle of this spine are map pages- just for reference.  In fact, the entire "spine" is simply a reference type book for the DVD lessons.  


I think when most on these boards mention a "spine", it generally refers to a text book type book with a lot of information that will lead a student through a history course.  This book we are using for a spine is not as thorough.  I'm having trouble making this clear.....  Each chapter/lesson is more like a summary than a text chapter.  There- that's better.  You could certainly add a more traditional spine to this if you wanted.  We're keeping history simple, so we're not.


Does that help?


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