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Kitten Question


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I have a new little kitten. We aren't sure how old she is since we found her alone and obviously dumped. She's seen a couple of vets and they guess she's about 5-7 weeks old. She is a very timid, gentle, and affectionate baby. She loves to cuddle up to me and sleep on my lap while I do computer work in the evenings. She seriously seems to want to eat my face, however. During the day she's fine, but at night after she's napped on my lap a while, she climbs up and starts nibbling my chin, nose, cheeks, and anything she can get a bite of before I swat her away. What is up? I don't like being chewed on. She's not biting aggressively and purrs when she does it, but she's persistent. It doesn't really hurt since she has kitten teeth. When I push her away, she meows pitifully and will try to nibble my hand or something, but keeps going for my face. Usually I get frustrated and put her in her bed (closed door)  for the rest of the night. She's done this every night since we've had her (almost 2 weeks). I'd like to let her stay on my lap as long as I'm awake. I've tried taking her to her box or giving her food but she doesn't want it. I don't have anything on my face that is worth eating- no milk mustaches or anything.  Any ideas? 

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It could be your soap or lotion. What kind are you using? It could be stress. She could be seeing you as her mom and grooming or licking because she is anxious. Does she have any cat toys in her bed to keep her company. I had to train one or more of my cats to not sleep near or on my pillow. Every time they tried, would just move down to bottom of bed to throw blanket. They got the hint after a while.

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This is common behavior in cats and kittens that were not weaned properly - and if you think she's between 5-7 weeks old, she is apart from her mother at a *very* young age! She might grow out of it, or she might not.


The only thing I can think of that stands a shot at working is removing her from you as soon as she starts, just like you would with a toddler or preschooler. She IS a toddler, in kitten terms. Just gently but firmly take her off your chest and put her in your lap as soon as she starts. If she immediately tries to climb up again, put her on the floor. If you do end up shutting her out the door, return to her in a few minutes and snuggle her with the same rule.


It is also possible that she wants to play. Remember, she's nocturnal. Many cats do learn to acclimate to human schedules when they live with humans, but they don't learn at the age of two months. When it starts getting dark (but before she starts nibbling on you), try playing "catch the ribbon" or "catch the foil ball" or "catch the laser pointer" with her. Her behavior might improve if she's getting active attention from you before she starts nibbling.


Oooh, I thought of one more possibility! Have you just brushed your teeth? Catnip is a type of mint, and many many cats really enjoy all sorts of mints. She might be going a little kitty crazy for the minty freshness of your breath.

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My first thought was also that she was trying to nurse or root, but she doesn't want food. When we first got her, I bought kitten formula and she would be happy to drink that when she started nibbling my face, but the vet told me not to give it to her. She has trouble crunching food, so he recommended wet food. She eats the wet food but it doesn't tempt her when she's rooting. She is not distracted by playing either. She does it when she gets extra snuggly and purry. Is there some kind of kitten pacifier? 


My lotions are unscented and I put it on after I put her to bed so I don't think she's attracted to that. I've never had a kitten this little. She was so skinny when we found her that the vet had a hard time estimating her age. She was under a pound but had most of her teeth. 




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