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How much do you budget for kids clothes?


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My oldest DD just had a growth spurt and needs all the basics for the fall. We normally thrift all year long the next size up but since she was hitting 12 and we didn't know what a growth spurt would do we didn't this year. It's been a good 5-6 years since I've had to do a large clothing shop for a kiddo. We'll be checking out goodwill and other thrift shops but also the department store.

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Summer - about $50 for a kid

Winter - lots more. Good winter gear is expensive. I can easily sink $200 per kid on a decent coat, boots and snow pants. Indoor clothes - another $200 if I am buying everything new ( less if I can find pants or sweaters at the thrift shop.


Shoe prices always mess up my budget - finding dress shoes for growing feet is no fun!

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We live in the PNW which is an expensive area to cloth kids because there are 4 distinct seasons.  Our kids need flip-flops, shorts and tanks in the summer and snow boots/gear in the winter.


DD7 is really tall (about the size of a 4/5th grade student) is big boned and a bit heavy due to medications she takes. She also sweats heavy so she often needs  2 outfits a day on the warmer days.  She wears a size 14/16 or small womans tops, 12 plus in bottoms, size 5 in shoes.   She has pretty much changed a size every season or two, since she was a baby.  :0(  It gets expensive! Just clothes and undergarments (not shoes) I figure about a $100+ per month if i bought inexpensive but new, but try to find somethings in thrift stores if I can.  I can drop it to about $50 with thrift stores/new items.  She is hard on shoes so $200 yr in shoes ($50 for 2 pair each season).  So $600-1000 a year for her, plus shoes makes it $800-1200. 



DD15 is 5'8" 112lbs with long legs and arms.  She is hard to fit due to her size and build. This will be one of the first years that she is buying the same size as last year. You can't just walk into many stores and find something that fits her right. Most of her wardrobe is Hollister or American Eagle with a few bits and pieces from other stores thrown in.  I will end up spending about $1000-1200 on clothes a year for her.  She gets $500 for school clothes and the rest is just spent as she needs it. Figure another $200-400 for special clothes needed for sports. So, I would ball park a number of about $1500 for her.  ETA: I probably need to add $300 if she needs clothes for Skiing/snowboarding this year. I think her gear was all bought 2 years ago when she was a womans small, now she is a medium. 



Ds19 couldn't care less about clothes. I buy most of what he wears and just toss it in the closet. He too is hard to fit, at 6" and 130lbs. He is done growing so I buy him 6 pair of jeans once a year.  2 pair of dress pants. 6 pair of shorts.  Dozen shirts or so. 2-3 pair of shoes. Coat/jacket etc. Since I don't have to replace snow gear for him.... I probably come in just under $1000. 



ETA: we have never received a hand me down or clothing as a gift, so every clothing item my kids have, I buy myself.  We generally buy new because used stores like Goodwill are expensive here and charge $15+ for decent jeans and I can buy new for just a bit more than that. 



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I don't budget per kid just a total budget.  I spend about $700 a year total for the 8 of us.  That includes all shoes, winter apparel, undergarments, and clothes.  Needless to say, hand me downs and thrift stores are my friend.  The good news for me is that absolutely everyone in my house (myself included) hates shopping and clothes are simply to cover the body/keep it warm so no one is picky about what they have.  My kids have 3 pairs of shoes (1 tennis shoe, 1 sandal, and 1 dress shoe) sandals and dress shoes are handed down, tennis shoes are bought new 1 pair per year.  I always buy them big enough to get a full years wear out of them.  I buy myself new shoes once every 3-4 years.  My husband and I have land's end coats that my mom gave us for Christmas 5-6 years ago, the kids coats were bought used (less than $10 each) and then handed down. 


My biggest obstacle is my pencil thin 6 ft teenage boy.  I can't find his clothes used.  But I buy the cheapest things I can find to fit him and he just doesn't get a lot (3 pairs jeans, 3 pair sweatpants and 2 dress pants).  For a long time my 2nd son was much shorter and coudn't wear much of older boy's clothes.  He has shot up 4 inches this year and now fits nicely into the tall skinney clothes I had to scrounge for older son. 


My kids just know they will be wearing hand me downs.  When they complain we talk about my uncle.  He was the youngest of 6 boys (out of 12 kids), the older sibs decided to do family pictures (happened twice in the years they were kids since there was just no money) and bought the boys matching shirts.  Uncle got to wear that special "picture" shirt every week for over 6 years. 


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My kids only need summer clothes since we don't get snow.

Our budget per item is

Shoes/sandals/sneakers - $30 or less per pair

Pants - $8 or less per pair

Tops - $5 or less each

Swim trunks/rash guards - $10 or less each


I stay very near to a premium outlet mall and the new clothes there are cheaper than my local goodwill. I have gotten $1-$2 tops at Old Navy outlet for my kids and I. My ON jeans were $6 each new from the outlet. We just buy as needed or for spares and I didn't tally the cost.

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