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4 year cycle classical curriculum


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Hi ladies,

Can you help me brainstorm?  I am trying to put together a list to start investigating different curricula for future use.  Here is what I am looking for.  



4 year rotation

Literature included

Schedule included

Discussions questions and extra activities suggested or included

NO need for science, grammar, math, or writing, although if writing projects are included, it's ok

Mapping/geography preferable


I know about these: Biblioplan, Mystery of History, Easy Classical, MFW


If you suggest one and have a moment, will you tell me why you like/don't like it?

Thanks so much!!!


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Do you mean a 4 year rotation of History or a 4 year rotation of all content subjects at different stages?The Well Trained Mind is on a 4 year rotation.  It's Trivium based, so content is covered in 4 year cycles at the Grammar, then Logic then Rhetoric stages.  It's a complete K-12 education set of recommendations so there are recommendations for subjects you list no need for.  Also, each subject recommendations differ in their schedules.

Story of the World (same author)  is the first history rotation and has accompanying Activity Books that cover history,  literature, geography biographies and other hands on projects .

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I have TWTM, but I am wondering if there is an updated one that adds SOTW in? Or does she keep it as is and not include her book? Just wondering if I should get the updated one if I go this path. Also, would activities and discussion questions and such only exist if I use SOTW with this or make them up myself? Thinking about energy level and time! :)

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I have TWTM, but I am wondering if there is an updated one that adds SOTW in? Or does she keep it as is and not include her book? Just wondering if I should get the updated one if I go this path. Also, would activities and discussion questions and such only exist if I use SOTW with this or make them up myself? Thinking about energy level and time! :)


TWTM is book describing the how and why of a  Classical Trivium Education K-12.  It has curriculum and grade level recommendations for an entire K-12 education. Those are only recommendations, the actual curriculum and other materials are not part of the book.


SOTW is a 4 part series of historical narratives for world history geared to early elementary aged children. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_0_18?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=story%20of%20the%20world&sprefix=story+of+the+world%2Caps%2C283   SOTW1 covers Ancient Times.  SOTW2 covers the Middle Ages.  SOTW 3 covers Early Modern history.  SOTW 4 covers Modern History. This is what most parents read aloud to their children for history (or get the CDs and have someone else read it aloud.) Then their child narrates back what they remember.  The parent writes it down and the child copies it. 


SOTW Activity Books are sold separately.  http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=story+of+the+world+activity+books&rh=n%3A283155%2Ck%3Astory+of+the+world+activity+books   They include questions to prompt a child's narration, give examples of narrations for each section, have a list of recommended reading in addition to SOTW in categories like history and literature.  There are directions for related hands on activities for each section and mapwork.  The maps and the coloring pages related to each STOW reading are included in the Activity book.


SOTW tests are also available.  http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=story+of+the+world+tests&rh=n%3A283155%2Ck%3Astory+of+the+world+tests    They are simple fill in the blank and multiple choice tests covering the main points of each SOTW section.  Some people use them to determine how much their child is retaining and others use them for review.


The above the SOTW resources are intended for the first level of a Trivium eduction:the Grammar stage. Grammar is who, what, when and where stage focusing on facts and memorization where appropriate.


Logic is the cause and effect is the second stage of the Trivium.  Very similar content is covered at this stage, but the focus is on why one thing affected another. The child is older and better able to understand more complex, abstract thoughts.


The Rhetoric stage is the last of the Trivium stages. It again covers similar content but this time the high schooler is focusing on the eternal truths of life or life lessons we should be learning from the content.  The child is making arguments persuasively about what is good, what is bad, what to aspire to, what to avoid and why.  The big ideas of life are studies here at a more philosophical level.


If you care about building up to and through all 3 stages of The Trivium, it's best to know sooner than later so you're in a big rush at the end. You also need to have a fairly good idea about which materials, books, resources, etc. are geared that way.  If you don't care about those things, figure out what you do care about and seek out resources that help you get where you want to go.


Yes, there are plenty of resources out there that can help you pick and choose your own books and activities.  All Through the Ages is probably the most complete and easiest to use for literature related to history.  http://www.rainbowresource.com/proddtl.php?id=017073


Your public library probably has all sorts of activity books related to particular parts of history. There are history packs and other books available too. Here's what comes up if you search amazon. com with the terms "activities ancient" http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=activities+ancient&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Aactivities+ancient


  The questions are do you like to do that and do you have the time and energy to do that? If so, go and do it and enjoy it. It can be really fun.

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I have TWTM, but I am wondering if there is an updated one that adds SOTW in? Or does she keep it as is and not include her book? Just wondering if I should get the updated one if I go this path. Also, would activities and discussion questions and such only exist if I use SOTW with this or make them up myself? Thinking about energy level and time! :)

The newer editions of TWTM include the books written by the author. I think the one that came out in 2010 is the most recent.

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The first edition of TWTM (also referred to as WTM) was published in 1999. The first edition of SOTW was published in 2001. So it sounds like you have the first edition of TWTM. 


When you say


NO need for science, grammar, math, or writing, although if writing projects are included, it's ok
do you mean no need for these because you're using other sources?
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Yes, I already like our grammar and writing program. Science we have covered this year but I may farm it out next year via an online class. I'm not a science person. I'm pretty smitten by the look of Wayfarers right now. I'm eager to see how people enjoy it after it is released.

I'll take a look at Beautiful Feet!


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