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Emergency question about Stargate SG1 ...


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DH just left town for the weekend and DD, DS, and I want to do as much goofing off as possible while he's gone.  I remember watching and loving Stargate while I was in college and I think DD would love it.  That's been a long time ago though and I can't remember if there's anything too questionable in it.  Can I just start with the show or do we need to watch the movie also?


DD isn't a sensitive child - she watches Doctor Who so I'm not worried about scary so much as maybe s*x references.  I don't remember any but I was also 20 when I last watched it so they wouldn't register with me the way they would as an adult watching with their kid.


Thanks so much!

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I *love* SG-1!


Later episodes, to the best of my recollection, don't have anything too bad in them. However, the first or second episode has full frontal nudity (woman, of course--they don't show naked men on mainstream TV!). It is not necessarily sexual in nature so much as the Goa'uld evaluating the body as whether or not he wants his mate to inhabit it ... so I guess there is some sexual innuendo, but it's evaluation, not the act.


The movie is nowhere near as good as the series, but you'd need to have at least a basic concept of it. Either watch it or read a summary from iMDB, if you want to get past the nudity early on in the series.

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There was definite innuendo in certain episodes, but again, it was on normal tv so it was never too bad. I'd say if he can hack Dr. Who he'd be fine. 

Dr. Daniel Jackson. Sigh. And Macgyver aged quite nicely. (Another good one to show kiddos. Again lots of innuendo though.)

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Oh, yeah, I forgot about him! Did they show everything with him? It's such a decidedly nons*xual thing in that episode that it wouldn't have even occurred to me. I don't even recall how far into the series that was.

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We got all the Stargates DVDs on some screaming deal from Amazon or Costco, I can't remember which. And then my husband and I spent the next six months rewatched the whole thing and finally catching up on seasons 9/10. I was pregnant with our first and life got busy right as the show was concluding, if I recall, and so we missed a whole bunch of the ending and it was driving me nuts. Watching it all again was very fun :)


I tend to ignore 9/10. (partly due to how demeaning the producers were to AT those two seasons.) 


I do like vala though.  I love how she gets under daniel's skin.;p  hey, with jack gone, someone had to do it. =D.


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Oh and there's the whole Colonel O'Neill's son is dead/ he is contemplating suicide storyline. My kids really don't process things like well. 


That's in the original movie. It is dealt with a little in the show, but no contemplation of suicide.

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That's in the original movie. It is dealt with a little in the show, but no contemplation of suicide.


jack isn't suicidal in the show (he was in the movie. that's why he was chosen for a suicide mission.)  - but there are a few eps first season that mention things.  him being suicidal, his son's death - and how it happened, his seperation and divorce, etc.  there are scenes where 'he' is talking about them with his ex-wife. 


actually  -  I think watching the movie is a good idea, as the relationship with skaara comes up the first few seasons, and why he is so important to jack.

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We watched the premier and about four regular episodes last night.  By my family's standards it's completely kid friendly.  DD loves it!  We watched on amazon prime and in the pilot episode it showed the back of a lady that was naked but we never saw the front.  I wonder if it was edited or I just don't know what full frontal nudity is.  

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