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How do you find photo contests for a 12 year old

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I'm not sure her age matters, but my uncle thinks one of the photographs she took(of a bee and flower spider on a flower) should be entered in a contest.  Maybe he is just being a proud uncle, but I thought I would investigate and I don't know where to start looking.  The google searches I have done haven't been productive.  


Do you have any suggestions?




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Agree with everyone on the County & State Fair exhibit options.


However, our county & state fairs have specific rules for photography entries.

Try to go to your county fair, and see this year's entries . . . and pick up a Fair Program Guide (ours is a magazine-type book with ads).

It has a list of the requirements of each category.  It's a great money-maker for our kids.

(One year, our ds mounted all the photos on black mat board . . . instead of the white mat board required.  Sigh.)


Also, our ds entered online contests (easy, no cost, won a cheap camera once!), one at our local art museum (they had a special exhibit).


HSLDA has an annual photo exhibit with a rapidly approaching deadline (Aug 1).  They have a required theme, which narrows the options significantly.  You can also view past winners.



It's a great hobby, which led our ds to start a photography blog when he was not much older than your child.  He's done senior pictures, graduation events . . . and avoided wedding photography like the plague.  Ha.  He's signed up for an Advanced Photography Seminar class next semester at Bama.

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I did county fairs when I was that age. Great exposure and experience.


Our local library has a showcase for local artists, perhaps yours has something like that as well. Even if not, librarians tend to have their finger on the pulse of the community and can be an invaluable resource. Perhaps start at the teen desk.


Coffee shops can be another great place for young people to showcase their art.

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