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My kitchen is under deconstruction


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And I'm a mess. I'm huddled in one half of my house, trying to stay calm.

I hate that a change in my environment produces this much stress, because normally I'm pretty much on an even keel.

I must keep telling myself that it is going to be alright, just stay calm, microwave my second cup of tea...Wah!

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The prying, the hammering and the splintering sound of wood floor coming up is so anxiety producing. Both my cats are in hiding under my bed, even the dogs aren't barking. I think we are all in the duck and cover mode right now.

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I completely sympathize.  Every time we do something I'm afraid that we won't be able to finish or it's all going to go horribly wrong, or that when I start taking something apart/opening it up, I'm going to find even more that will have to be done and then I'll run out of money and live with it half done, or some other version of horrible.  I don't know why these things produce such anxiety in some of us. 


I want to be those happy-go-lucky family on the Lowe's commercial that tackles big projects through a weekend and everything stays on budget and on time and when they are done, they are tired, but happy with the result.  Never happens that way.


But I am, usually, happy with the result, eventually.

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And I'm a mess. I'm huddled in one half of my house, trying to stay calm.

I hate that a change in my environment produces this much stress, because normally I'm pretty much on an even keel.

I must keep telling myself that it is going to be alright, just stay calm, microwave my second cup of tea...Wah!


You know we need details--what is being done.


Maybe discussing it with us will bring back some excitement about the project.


A friend of mine says about writing (her career) I hate writing, but I love having written.


Hopefully you will LOVE when the work is done. Head for a coffee shop or book store for an hour or two, if possible.


Hang in there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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No excitement. This is not a project I wanted done. It is a has to be done, because the dishwasher flooded my floor, and ruined all my hard work of several years ago. 

There are a million things that can go wrong, and probably will. It's an old kitchen, and the cost of replacement is far from covered by insurance, so everything that can be salvaged has to be salvaged. I've got a good contractor who understands that, thankfully, because I couldn't begin to replace any cabinets with what is available for the repair.


So yeah, when you see your hard work being ripped up, it's not a good scene.

The only thing I am sort of happy about is being able to pick out my floor and not having to put it down like last time...the next time it floods I'll be far less attached to it. 

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No excitement. This is not a project I wanted done. It is a has to be done, because the dishwasher flooded my floor, and ruined all my hard work of several years ago. 

There are a million things that can go wrong, and probably will. It's an old kitchen, and the cost of replacement is far from covered by insurance, so everything that can be salvaged has to be salvaged. I've got a good contractor who understands that, thankfully, because I couldn't begin to replace any cabinets with what is available for the repair.


So yeah, when you see your hard work being ripped up, it's not a good scene.

The only thing I am sort of happy about is being able to pick out my floor and not having to put it down like last time...the next time it floods I'll be far less attached to it. 



My dishwasher busted a couple of months ago, and the result was/is a badly warped hardwood floor (for about 2 ft in front of the dishwasher).  We've left it.  We didn't bother with insurance.  We had a very large claim 3 years ago (whole town did, thanks to storm damage) and I don't want to lose our insurance.  This house is hard enough to insure.

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We've been joking (what else can you do, right?!) about the Nidhog worm burrowing under our hardwood floor in the kitchen for the past few weeks. It had to be done, though. You could smell the mold. There was no getting around it, but what a headache!


I had planned light school today. Didn't get anything done, I couldn't have been heard over the noise. Tomorrow will likely be more of the same, and it is going to rain. 


I'm happy that the dogs and cats seem more settled now. The cats are eating fine, and the dogs didn't go ballistic (I have one who is terrified of thunder, guns and other loud noises.) That was good. Now if their owner can just relax!

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