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ACT prep courses/ private tutoring

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Have your students taken a live prep course or private tutoring through a test prep company? Was it worthwhile?


My ds has a 26 ACT (took it in 10th grade).  He did prep on his own to get that using the Real ACT book.  I think he has likely maxed out the prep he can do just on his own without any help/guidance.  He has a "hook" which might make him a candidate at some top schools if he can raise his score some. 


It is a lot of money to spend.  But, it seems that it would be recouped if he could raise his score a bit. 


Any thoughts?

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Where is he at in math? Some improvement will come with having had the required math courses. And with increasing vocabulary and literature skills from high school English classes.


We used a private math tutor for dd, and she raised her math score as much as I think she ever would be able to. It was enough for her 'hook' to get her in where her math scores still put her at the bottom of the class. We found a grad student who taught undergrad math and had perfect scores himself. :)

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Have your students taken a live prep course or private tutoring through a test prep company? Was it worthwhile?


My ds has a 26 ACT (took it in 10th grade).  He did prep on his own to get that using the Real ACT book.  I think he has likely maxed out the prep he can do just on his own without any help/guidance.  He has a "hook" which might make him a candidate at some top schools if he can raise his score some. 


It is a lot of money to spend.  But, it seems that it would be recouped if he could raise his score a bit. 


Any thoughts?


Because you've already done book-based prep and need a higher score, I'd consider it.  Make sure you know if a higher score is really needed, and make sure that you thoroughly research the tutor.  Also ask what you can realistically expect.  Some tutors are better at bringing an "upper middle" student up to "high," and some focus on the techniques to bring high-scorers up to the very top.


We've been happy with the results of studying at home.  It wouldn't buy me anything to hire someone.

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