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Vacation eating

Night Elf

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With every bite I put into my mouth while on vacation, I knew I shouldn't have been doing it. I gained 4.5 lbs in 6 days. I lost weight with Weight Watchers and have been maintaining for probably a year and a half. I certainly know how to lose it again, but it's not going to happen over night. I'm so mad at myself. I worked hard to get at that ideal weight and now I have to make the effort to get back down to it. I realize not everyone can relate because they have more to lose, but I worked hard to lose it all in the first place. I just wish I had been more discerning during vacation. I was just being stupid.

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Ditto what Pink and Green Mom said about the post-flight water retention weight.


Also, for real don't beat yourself up.  Life is intended to be enjoyed.  You enjoy being at your ideal weight, and you will be there again shortly with a bit of effort.  You also enjoyed the food you chose to eat, I'm sure.  In fact, i think when you're typically careful and only occasionally allow yourself those indulgences, you actually get to enjoy it more because it's not the norm.


No worries.  No guilt.  No anger.  Just do what you need to do to get it off, if that's what you want to do.  

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No, it was a long drive. We just ate high calories foods the whole time. The healthiest thing I ate was a few carrots. I should have had more fruits and veggies and less pizza, chips, and lava cake.


No you shouldn't have!  You did what you wanted to do, for a short, manageable period of time.  You're fine!  You'll get those 4.5 pounds off in no time at all, and then have the memories that include the delicious food.  It's an experience.  


BTW....long car trips do the same thing to me as plane rides.  Wait a few days and see where the scale lands.  

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Okay, you're right. I did enjoy myself and foods I haven't allowed myself to have in nothing but super small portions. I think the pizza and lava cakes was the highlight of my week. My BIL owns a Domino's franchise so he kept us in pizza. I tasted a lot of new pizzas which was fun.

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