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Oceanography/ Astronomy High School Science

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My dd really wants to study oceanography and astronomy.  


She has completed Biology (Campbell, Concepts and Connections) and Chemistry (Zumdahl)  She completed Videotext and is starting Geometry this year.  


So I think Physics her Sr. year would be better.  (I am still thinking this through)  


Does anyone have any recommendations?  I thought she could do a semester of each OR combine them for the full year.  Then what do I call it?  Earth Science?  Oceanography (.5 credit) Astronomy (.5 credit)  


Are there already courses like this out there? Is there a text book that covers these that I could use as a spine?


We are in the middle of a move and selling and remodeling a house, so my time is limited to create a high school course.




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Coursera is full of astronomy resources.  I took X-ray astronomy (Analyzing the Universe from Rutgers), my DD has taken planetary science (Science of the Solar System from Caltech), and is currently enrolled in Exoplanets (from U of Geneva).


Is astronomy a "fun senior year science topic" or a "future college major"?  If it's the latter, she needs as much high school physics as she can get.


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If you want to separate out the two, we used this for Astronomy this year. Discovering the Essential Universe


Tarbuck's Earth Science text has a section on Oceanography and Astronomy, along with other Earth Science topics.

I wounder if anyone has a course syllabus using Tarbuck's.  I would like tests, and assignments already scheduled.  I suppose I could use this text as a spine and primarily have her focus on the ocean and astron.


Coursera is full of astronomy resources.  I took X-ray astronomy (Analyzing the Universe from Rutgers), my DD has taken planetary science (Science of the Solar System from Caltech), and is currently enrolled in Exoplanets (from U of Geneva).


Is astronomy a "fun senior year science topic" or a "future college major"?  If it's the latter, she needs as much high school physics as she can get.


She is not sure what she wants to do.  So this would be a "fun" year, I suppose and then Physics as a Senior.    I'm not certain if I am making a mistake on putting Physics off till the Sr. year.  Or have her do it this year and the "fun" course her Sr. year.  She is my oldest, so trying to make the right decision is difficult

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We used the following two textbooks for astronomy (and, shameless plug,  I am selling these now on the classified section here!):


Essential Cosmic Perspective - 6th edition

Discovering the Universe - 7th edition


I would suggest that you save the physics until the senior year as colleges check the senior work load to ensure that the applicant didn't slouch off and take it easy the final year but rather continued to push themselves academically. So, perhaps, physics would look better on the senior year transcript?!?!




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