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Kinda JAWM...vacation woes and need ideas


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I don't really know how to title this post. I'm feeling bummed because hubby and I can't afford a family vacation. BUT the good news for my dd13 and ds11 is that they are going to the beach for a week with my two aunts. So at least they get a vacation, for which I'm thankful. I just *wish* it was hubby and I going and taking all of our kids to the beach. I love the beach! It's my favorite place and I haven't been there in four years. :( Being financially strapped really stinks. Now, on to my question....hubby will be at work every day while my older kids are at the beach, so it will be just me and my dd6 here most of the time. She is very limited in cognition and communication, so keep that mind as you answer. What can she and I do that's fun and free/inexpensive? I want to have a "vacation" with her. Thanks.

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Can you swing a larger sized baby pool for the two of you, if she likes the water.  Not sure if she has any tone issues that make colder water difficult.   Make some nice iced tea, some seltzer, something different from your every day that feels special?  Could you swing a special book or magazine for yourself?

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Special lunches...something like ice cream sundaes for lunch or something that is more of a treat than usual. 


Movies...would she let you put one on for her and then you could watch something of your own elsewhere? 


Play with the hose or sprinkler. My younger kids used to like just pouring water from container to container outside. Water play could occupy her while you sit in the shade and read. 


Paint your fingernails/toenails a wild color. 


Take a walk or drive to McDonalds..I think the ice cream cones are about $1 and could be a treat. 



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FWIW, no vacation at all for us this year either.   :grouphug:


So I made a list of movies from Amazon/Netflix (some for them, some for me), and some local things we can do that we normally wouldn't have time to do.  I plan to do a weekly park picnic, and we'll do some local attractions.

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